New Iowa BJJ School

I opened a new BJJ school in Coralville, IA that is affiliated with Saulo Ribeiro. Grand Opening is July 8, 2008 at 7:45 P.M.

The website is

I hope to see you all there!


 Best Wishes and Good Luck!

 Good Luck Jason, if you ever make it out to Des Moines, be sure to stop in to Des Moines Jiu Jitsu, we enjoy sharing our Jiu Jitsu and see what other instructors teach as far as technique.

And I am sure the same can be said for Halz if you ever make it up to the Cedar Falls/Waterloo area. He has a good group of Jiu Jitsu players up that way. I don't know what rank Greg (Halz) is currently wearing, but he is slick as snot. Our instructor our here is Chris David and he is a 4 stripe purple.


Des Moines Jiu Jitsu Academy

Thanks guys! It's nice to meet all of you. I hope to meet up with you guys in person at future tournaments.


 Thanks Ron, I am currently a 3 stripe purple.  I might actually be moving out to Crystal Lake to train at Curran's in the near future.  My wife has been offered a job out there and it would be so different and good for me to actually get regular instruction at such a high level.  Unfortunatly this would put the future of our school in question.  A couple of my younger and higher students are also coming with if I leave so hopefully there will be something left.  This is not for sure yet, but we will see.

 Jason, just in case you are not aware, there is a tournament in August out in Davenport. I think it is the third weekend in August. If you look up Sasquatch Open, you should be able to get more details.

We went out there earlier this year and had a great time.

Greg, good luck if you do get out to train with Jeff. Just make sure to let us know when you will be out this way and we can have some rolling sessions.

I do hope the school up that way is able to continue. It would be bad to lose you as a resource out there.
