New issue on Android

Yomarashi - Why can we never get a damn reply on this issue? This has been happening for at least a week or two and complained about since it started.
Been happening on mine for at least a month.

Same here.


They’re just gonna keep ignoring this thread until people stop posting in here, i guess hoping that the problem fixes itself.

Can i suggest; unplugging and plugging it back in or taking it out and blowing on it…

Same here.

Instead of fixing the app, they will likely just change the Firefox, Chrome, and Explorer PC version to do the same thing.  Now it's a feature!

Same issue with it scrolling up when it shouldn’t. Also Conner still on the loading screen, how long ago was that fight.

ShootProod -
stevekt - Top Men give no fucks about Android.
True. Funny how more phones run android now.
Last update was November 2013. When they finally realized they couldn't improve anything they made the app free to try to shut us up.

Y’all must be new around here because since the very creation of the app, Android has never been a priority or concern. This is a iPhone only app. Don’t even begin to think an android issue will be resolved. Ever. Hate to be the bearer of bad news but it is what it is. 

Ttt we want answers

So, have you guys started investigating?

Any leads yet?

I created an account on Sherdog you bastards. That is not cool.

TTT you cocksuckers. Blue name will be gone if this bullshit and the other nonsense with this app isn’t resolved.

This got an answer yet?

Top Men are still working on it.

This is doing my head in please sort it out !!!

I almost never come here during the day because that scrolling shit is infuriating.

Sorry it took me several hours to get to the bottom of this page, what the fuck is going on?


Wish there was a way to tag Kirik in this. At least then you knew SOMEONE saw it. Though the people who run the UG seem content to settle on less-than-mediocrity when it comes to this forum. No wonder there has been such a mass exodus to Reddit. How many days this been a front page topic without a word from anyone who could do anything? Why would anyone pay for this if the mods don’t even give a shit?