New Kaufman/Cyborg commercial by Bobby Razak


Bobby Razak

Women's MMA: Sarah Kaufman & Cris Cyborg from StreetMade on Vimeo.


thank you at Streetmade support there gear so I can do more of these.

Bobby Razak

Tt Phone Post

War Sarah !!


myrites - thank you at Streetmade support their gear so PHOOEY can do one of these.


 Great job as always Bobby

Thanks for posting it here

 Awesome work, Bobby. 
Your shots and production is second to none. 

Who's idea was it to shoot this and is there a message being delivered here? :)

Drinks on me next time you're out here in Las Vegas. 

Lazie what up brother , a message??? Hell yeah lol.

Bobby Razak

myrites - Lazie what up brother , a message??? Hell yeah lol.

Bobby Razak

 LoL is it directed to a certain "Rowdy" person?

I don't know Lazie you have to ask Sarah lol :) let's pump this fight up yo lol Phone Post

THAT is SO freakin AWESOME!

Kirik front page please I think they deserve that :)

Bobby Razak

great vid, love kaufman

Sarah is bad ass Phone Post

Iphone Phone Post

myrites - thank you at Streetmade support there gear so I can do more of these.

Bobby Razak

 Thanks Bobby, you are a mad genius. And thanks for all the support everyone...we just getting started.

Great video. Thanks for making/posting.