New Machado Black Belt

Huge congratulations to Stewie Moulden who recieved his Machado BJJ Black belt from John B Will last night. Well done mate. You are an inspiration. It has been and continues to be a huge honour to be able to train with you from time to time. Great to see you gain the first BJJ Black Belt in Central Victoria.

Congrats Stewie from all the Albury guys.

congrats stewie, it's a priveledge to have you as my coach.
well done.

Well done Stewie! Great effort! Michael

Thanks for the kind words guys. Its been a long 11years but i have enjoyed every moment.

I was at a open mat session yesrerday and I certainly felt the weight of the belt. Dam its heavy!

If all goes well im looking forward to having a crack at the Machado Nationals this year. Havnt competed for some time due to injuries and so on but things are on the improve..... Fingers crossed!!!



Well done Stewie!

Well done Stewie, big congrats! All the best to you and your students down in Bendigo.

Cheers, Maryanne.