New Saulo DVD Set Out Soon!

Clips? Can't wait!

I am excited to get the set. I already use some of his concepts/ techniques in my game from the last Gi series.

How well does this set fit without the GI? His first Gi set worked great without the GI.

Also will this set be out before Nov? Just want to know if I should add it to my Christmas list.


Working without Gi is a tough question. I would say that the whole takedown DVD would not be useable.
Many of the others would be workable techniques like the running escape DVD and the X-Pass DVD. Most likely if you were able to use the first for submission grappling, then most of this would work also.

Now I can't wait for this DVD set!

Clips pleeeeeease!
Stop teasing Paul, your just being mean now! LOL!

Yeah paul dont be makin us wait!

"I am not going to explain all of this right now but will post some images and pics soon."

But not that soon I see... Come on just a clip or two before November???

"But not that soon I see... Come on just a clip or two before November???"


Always makin us wait.

I wonder what the other set will be?

Didnt paul say it will be out in 2006?

And its a big name too.

Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?
Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?
Are we there yet? Are we there Yet? Are we there Yet?

Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?

ttt for more info


Come on Paul!
Now your just being rude! LOL.

Paul your really stretchin our patience :)

Sorry guys, I have not been on much on the forum this week. Really busy with the Saulo set right now. Revolution 2 set will be selling for Christmas of course. There will be a MMA discount as always.

I cannot post clips yet because the editing is not finished. I have to get a working set of DVDs in my hands before I can create clips to upload. Maybe another week or so before I can post clips. The set looks to be as good if not better then Revolution 1. People looking for more basics may not be overly thrilled but my editing critics that I now watching the set are amazed. The response seems to be that this stuff has never been seen before. I can talk all about it now but I would rather post clips.

The other big set that was filmed was Marcelo Garica 4. This set was submission grappling with Marcelo's brand new game. This set will most likely be the talk of 2007 with his new Mono-Plata/Crucifix game that is just out of this world. This set is going to be hot and will churn out many new techniques, DVD sets from others and non stop analysis. This content is already the topic of his seminar series and is being talked about all over the place. Release date is 2007.

I would prefer no mention of any future sets because all it does is get me psyched up only to realize that it will be many months before I get to see the final set.

That being said, perhaps you could list an overview of each disk? I see there is a set on takedowns, x-pass, and running escape. That leaves 3 mystery DVDs. Throw us a bone before the clips get uploaded, please!

Whats the ETA for marcelo?

Hopefully early 2007!

When i heard about his omoplata game on the seminar circuit i thought damn! Maybe he'll do a set soon. And it looks like its on the way :)


Paul can you give the titles of the 6 volumes, please ?

