New UFC Action Figure PICS!!!

Mad Xyientist -  

That's Diego in his signature series Tapout shorts, not Mir.

 Wow, these are great!

 Good to see them recognize Perry Como's MMA and BJJ contributions. Poor guy. Never knew he had a Tumor.

 At least they got Randy's hair line right lol

I dont know, maybe im the only one that occasionally walks through the toy aisles at stores... But these look like the shit we played with in the eighties, absolutely fucking horrible. Even disgustingly cheap small children's toys inspired by cartoons look better. Action figures are on a whole new level these days.

For those of you planning on buying these steaming pieces of plastic fail, thank you for supporting a market of shit.

Lol at some of these comparisons!!

From Randy's hairline to the Mir pic! I'm laughing my ass off!

You had me at "steaming pieces of plastic fail".

no interlocking fingers for vanderlei = romo

wrinkled pecs = unstraight

after the tune up they might be nice

no rich franklin one?

^Don't get CRE going.

Anderson Silva's tights say "ATM"

Completely shitty IMO

I see Kos and Diego.

 I see Wiman and Hoger.

They better change Wand's head to the staredown face: he look like a damn gorilla in those pics.

 lol at the face they gave Wand.


those things are a big steaming pile of FAIL


TopChute - They better change Wand's head to the staredown face: he look like a damn gorilla in those pics.

dude Royce's left hand looks absolutely ginormous!

I'd buy that Tank one tomorrow but the rest,...fww,..I hate the torso work So much. I hope the final products are better. Still,'s a start.