New UFC Action Figure PICS!!!

LeeVanTeeth - 

The majority of those look like shit. WHats up with the glue on some of them.

LOL at lil Jimmy Norton...

They are pretty terrible,but I would buy the Royce one no matter what.

this all looks like some kid's crappy social sciences project.

I like action figures, but not dolls. Those look like dolls. If they made them 3 3/4" in the style of G I Joes, they'd be awesome.

Matt serra

Look at Andersons stick legs...

Why is there a sledgehammer with chuck liddell?

The only one of those i would buy would be the royce gracie one because i want to put him in my car armbarring my stickshift (no homo)

scarfacedave - That toy "Octagon" is property of Kazja13LLC

 LOL!!! Now he's gonna dig in his attic for a few of his daughters old Barbies, cut and dye their hair,throw them in a Dominos pizza box and swear he originated the first Octagon for UFC action figures!


Those are awful looking.

Dana should get Todd MacFarlane to make em right.

Apparently the entire roster of the UFC share the same torso as Brock Lesnar.

Where's Rashad?

Am I the only one who thinks they look fine? I guess they're just what I'd expect.

Procrastinator - I could tell it's me it looks just like him

Me too. When I saw it with all the others, I didn't make the connection, but when it was posted with the question asking if it was Fedor, I saw the resemblance.

Ok, most of you are grown men so why would you care what a toy looks like.

Looks like He-Man all over again. The same body with different clothes and a different head. Why can't they at least have a few different body type? So if Tim Slyvia was still in the UFC he would have the same body - that sucks.

But they're still cool. If I had a kid I would def. be buying these.

We been begging McFarlane to do them for years. Todd is not a fan of MMA or Pro Wrestling, so he declined to make an offer for the WWE figs after they left Jakks, and they only made a half ass offer for the UFC license.

With WWE leaving Jakks, Jakks spent all their money on the UFC license.

Some of those look decent but other look absolutely awful!

 wow those are bad.

 The logos on the shorts look awesome.

But the bodies are way too similar.

Anderson doesnt have giant pecs!

 Is that Frank Mir with a 6 pack?!


Fabes - Those are awful looking.

Dana should get Todd MacFarlane to make em right.


These look like crap.