New UFC Signing Scanlon Talks UFC 122 (KO Vid)

New interview here with the Kaobon man who has signed a four-fight deal with the UFC, starting with Pascal Krauss at UFC 122 in Germany.

He recalls the moment when Colin Heron broke the news:

“I was on my way home from teaching a class at half ten when my coach rang me. He’s not the type of person who’ll phone you; he’ll text you like two words or something so when I saw the call at that time I thought ‘Shit, Sass has broke his leg’ or something down at the UFC [120].

“I just stared at my phone for ages and then didn’t answer it for a while because I was that shocked that he was ringing me. I mean, he’s like my dad but I don’t think he’s rang me in five years. I thought the worst but then I answered and he said ‘the UFC want you to fight in Germany, it’s a four-fight contract and against Pascal Krauss’. I didn’t know what to say, it was like winning the lottery.”




The goods are here:

This is the KO that got him signed when the UFC needed a replacement for Robertson.

Heel hook finish from a few years ago.