New website

Hi all,

We have revamped our website. Please take a look :)

Our old url will still be active once we take down the old site. We have simply added a new, shorter url.


Very nice upgrade!!!

The new site looks very nice Steve!

Great Job Steve. I really like how you have everything laid out. Especially the videos.

Very Nice!

Sweet.....whose that fat bastard in the blue? lol

Nice site, do you plan any other videos besides the anklelock?

The new site looks great!

Thanks guys...We really needed to upgrade as the association has outgrown our old site. I appreciate the comments and e-mails if you find any glitches.

Yeah Mike...who is that fat bastard??

We do plan on another DVD but, man, I am swamped with work right now.  I want to finish the DVD of the last tournament before the next one.  We do have plans for a throw/submission combination DVD but. it is only talk at this point.

nice steve!! looks very professional

professional site for a professional guy and organization. the ASA is coming into it's own and it couldn't be a better thing for Sambo.