Nicholas Meregali using my Logeoplata submission

One of my old BJJ pals just sent me this. He was watching something about Meregali and saw him tap a guy with the submission I discovered over a decade ago. It feels pretty awesome seeing top level guys using something that I came up with… I do wish I still got credit/props for it these days but the name has morphed/was intentionally changed into something else. Oh well though, I am thrilled to have any sort of legacy in the sport I use to care so much about. I still care about it but I am old and broken these days.


Meregali needs to encircle his leg in the s grip.

That sub is very useful. Moreso than the regular gogoplata in my opinion. The squeeze is super strong

I teach it regularly. Usually off of meat hook.

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I like to gable grip but making sure you’re hugging your own knee, unlike what Meregali was doing. It’s a super powerful submission once it’s locked in.

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Yeah some of my people feel stronger in the gable grip there.

I’m short and missing a few fingers so my gable grip sucks on that side

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