Nick Diaz doesnt use steroids

@360 guy

How it works for me: 

First, the pain I have is from my immune system attacking my stomach lining.  The best way I can explain the pain is a porcupine blowing up in your stomach.  There's intense pressure and stabbing pains.  It is seriously one of the worst types of pain I know and lasts 2 to 3 days per episode (fortunately not that many anymore as I've learned to control it somewhat better).

I've tried many pain killers; demerol, vicodin, T-3s (codeine), etc.  Beyond marijuana, sleeping pills work best so I can just sleep off the pain.  On marijuana I won't say it's true pain relief.  I can feel the sensations but the pain doesn't register as unpleasant.  I don't know if that makes sense, but that's how it works, at least in my case.

So, no, it's not attacking the cause of the pain and it's not killing the pain.  It just changes it so it's not an unpleasant feeling, just something that's there.  I can't speak for how it works in everyone or for every type of pain, that's just my personal experience.

weed is kind of a performance enhancer in a way now that I think about it.. I spar stoned all the time.. its like your in the matrix.. all the punches come at you way slower so its way easier to dodge them.. also it fills your brain with resin you you're pretty much immune to head shots..

video proof:

The 2 previous posts are perhaps the dumbest comments eva!

Slower punches?! This ain't heroin.

"the pain doesn't register as unpleasant"

That's just plain looney. 100 out of 100 pot smokers would agree.

Fighting with marijuana in your system is definetly cheating. You'll be much more confident while striking because you'll think your hands are like so huuuge...dude...seriously

I have fought high, with mixed results. And weed is a pain killer used by cancer patients and the like. It would help during training (not the fight), with some mild muscle and joint pain which may allow you to train past your limits.

Also some claim it is good for focus, (but it isn't for me).

"They should have bought him a case of Reeses Peanutbutter cups or something....Fuck he not only subbed him, he did it high.... I would still be looking for the arena ...driving around lost"

Man, I seriously laughed out loud at this! Eastside Assassin 4 life!!!

"its like your in the matrix.. all the punches come at you way slower so its way easier to dodge them.."


Honestly? Come on people. Just go to a bar on a weekend. Do you ever see potheads fighting? NO! Pot takes away your warrior spirit, so if anything, he was at a disadvantage!

However, if he went drunk....hell, he would have wrecked the place!


"Nobody, ever, has gained a competitive advantage in anything by smoking weed"

I disagree. I'm a mediocre pool player at best, but when I smoke weed I turn into Efren Reyes.

Pot isn't considered a performance enhancing drug by any governing body. It's a substance of abuse, same as cocaine.

i agree weed can be used for some moderate pain management but
getting hit in the face by Gomi?get fucking real!!!the moron athletic
commision says that dumb shit because they have never been
stonned..Shit i would still be looking for the arena w/Mikey

Nick is the man for whooping of fools that use ROIDS. The natural, all organic, herb smoking, vegetarian, triathlete, BADASS MOFO just likes whooping on them musclehead roiders.

Did Nick really get suspended for a year?

I really hope not..

6 months

The fact that Nick's fight with Gomi got overturned is a fucking joke, and anyone who follows the sport knows this.

It's a substance of abuse, same as cocaine.

Exactly. Additionally, his level in his test meant that he was probably stoned when he fought, and in a sport where your JUDGEMENT (which is impaired while you are stoned or drunk) is one of the main determinants in whether you win or lose.

Just like if Tank fought completely soused, they'd take away his win, suspend him and fine him.

Does no one realize that coke and meth are used as "performance enhancers"?

THATS STREET performance enhancing right there.