Nick Diaz vs Dan Henderson at 185?

 I think it would be a very interesting fight.

Dan is entirely capable, I think, of knocking Nick out. I think most would agree.


I think that's his only chance. If he just dropped Nick, which is more likely than a Bisping-esque KO against someone like Nick, I think Diaz would recover as always. Dan has zero GnP and Nick is slick on the ground, so I think both guys would want to stand.

Nick's standup is much better than Dan's and again, as tough as Dan is, I just don't think anyone can deal with getting hit 130+ times per round with gloves that small, and Dan has never had the best defense.

If Dan didn't catch Nick flush and just plain knock him out, I think Diaz would win this fight. And if Dan beats Jake Shields, I think this fight is actually possible.

(prepares for "blah blah Dan is a legend blah blah has been in there with the best blah blah" as though that really has anything to do with what happens when these two particular fighters and styles meet in the ring)

Would contain probably some of the easiest takedowns of Dans career but I agree that he'd get peppered a lot standing up. I don't know if Diaz has the power to hurt him even with all the added shots, Dan could probably walk through his punches and load up on his bombs and Nick has terrible defense as well. Dan could easily force a clinch and then Nick would spend the entire round on the bottom.

 Hendo would make quick work of Diaz and bring his rating back down to earth.

Terrible matchup, I honestly dont even think Diaz would take the fight.

1st Rd KO.

The reason Diaz throws that many punches is because of the competition he is facing! They literally just let him pitter patter them to death.

Smith has been a punching bag for a ton of fights. Sell, Cote, Le, Radach, Diaz etc. but he always managed to land a shot to come back and win. Shamrock destroyed Baroni but Shamrock had a hard time standing up after that fight. Thomas Denny is not exactly an elite caliber fighter and Zaromskis is maybe a top 20 WW. The UG springboarded him into the top 10 because he beat Jason High and Sakurai. IMO Jay Hieron has better wins than Zaromskis.

Nick isn't going to tap Dan or take him down. This fight takes place wherever Dan wants it to. On the feet, Dan has a lot of power and will make Diaz respect him.

I see Diaz winning

If Diaz beats Hendo, that would shut all the Diaz haters up because he beat a good wrestler

Mcslugger is correct .

I would end like the hendo / bisping fight .

 you have diaz fighting B.J. at 155 and fighting Dan Henderson, an occasional LHW, at 185 in another.

I'm not sure about anyone else but I'd like to see him in some welterweight fights.

I wanted Diaz/Penn at 170.

I'm pretty sure if Dan beats Shields that this fight will happen. Diaz will want to avenge Jake and he is already chafing at the lack of interesting fights for him at 170 in Strikeforce.

"the chances of him stopping Henderson are nil."

I disagree. We've already seen Nick stop several guys known for their chins. And in a 5-round fight his pressure could gas Dan and lead to openings.

NarlyPersianDude - This thread will show how much Nick is overated. Sometimes I wonder if people actually watch fights and keep heed of who is facing who.

This is pretty much the worst matchup for Nick. Dan has an iron chin, and is also one of the hardest hitters. Those bunches that rock Zaromkskis and Shamrock will not affect Dan, and remember all Dan needs is one punch. And if goes to the ground, it will be because Dan put it there.

But your gonna see all these people in this thread acting like Nick can win this fight. How does beating Zaromkskis and Scott Smith mean you can hang with Dan Henderson. Those guys where connecting on Nick, not a good sign. Cause if Dan connects it will be different. As much as a like Nick, I almost want this fight to happen cause its nauseating how much you guys overate Nick. Get a clue.

You know how it is. Look at how Lindland got over hyped once he left the UFC. Everyone hated him in the UFC but once he leaves everyone hops on his wagon and says how he can destroy all the UFC MW's including Anderson Silva.

Or better yet how about the "Melvin Manhoef would KO Anderson Silva" threads? I guess Lawler put an end to that. Speaking of Lawler, when he was in the UFC everyone said he was a one trick pony. Now he leaves and beats some mid level guys and now he is a top 5 MW LMAO!Also, I am a huge Lawler fan but lets be realistic.

hubris - I see Diaz winning

If Diaz beats Hendo, that would shut all the Diaz haters up because he beat a good wrestler

Kind of depends on how he wins doesn't it?

orcus - I wanted Diaz/Penn at 170.

I'm pretty sure if Dan beats Shields that this fight will happen. Diaz will want to avenge Jake and he is already chafing at the lack of interesting fights for him at 170 in Strikeforce.

"the chances of him stopping Henderson are nil."

I disagree. We've already seen Nick stop several guys known for their chins. And in a 5-round fight his pressure could gas Dan and lead to openings.

How is he going to pressure Dan with strikes when he spends the whole fight on his back?

NoPlacebo - 
orcus - I wanted Diaz/Penn at 170.

I'm pretty sure if Dan beats Shields that this fight will happen. Diaz will want to avenge Jake and he is already chafing at the lack of interesting fights for him at 170 in Strikeforce.

"the chances of him stopping Henderson are nil."

I disagree. We've already seen Nick stop several guys known for their chins. And in a 5-round fight his pressure could gas Dan and lead to openings.

How is he going to pressure Dan with strikes when he spends the whole fight on his back?

I'm a huge fan of Diaz's, but I am not overrating him. I don't think Henderson KOs him on their feet, but he could get some kind of stoppage on the ground. Either way, I think Diaz would have some moments, but Henderson is too much.

 dan beat vitor, he will beat nick

Rampage did nothing to his chin, nor did Wandy, so I dont think a bunch of weak jabs and random hooks would do anything to his chin. He is an Olympic wrestler, so there is the grappling aspect, and I doubt his cardio is any problem. So i give this to Dan, you can't win fights on fanboy hype.

anyone else think that Dan has "zero" GnP is pretty misleading?

 My next dream fight now that BJ vs Nick has happened and all hopes of Fedor/Anderson are dead.

so far i have seen diaz-story,diaz-kos,diaz-drug test,diaz-anderson,diaz-gsp,and now diaz-henderson threads all in the last 15 minutes

He wouldn't go to185 to fight mayhem.
Why would he go up to fight Hendo

Not happening!

Eatin Applesauce - so far i have seen diaz-story,diaz-kos,diaz-drug test,diaz-anderson,diaz-gsp,and now diaz-henderson threads all in the last 15 minutes

 Mine is almost 2 years old, though.

And with all the matchups out there, anyone proposing Diaz vs Rick Story is either related to Rick or just dumb.

orcus - 
Eatin Applesauce - so far i have seen diaz-story,diaz-kos,diaz-drug test,diaz-anderson,diaz-gsp,and now diaz-henderson threads all in the last 15 minutes

 Mine is almost 2 years old, though.

And with all the matchups out there, anyone proposing Diaz vs Rick Story is either related to Rick or just dumb.<br type="_moz" />

agreed,im just mentally drained with all the people on my facebook who have just been introduced to nick diaz