Nick Diaz's Hoodie...

ttt "your father" are absolutly right in your thinking.Nick is a great guy first off, secondly why is everyone hatin on him after this fight? I mean Nick gave Sherk all the respect in the world saying he " try's to immulate Sherk with his work ethic"

Nick has never , ever disrepected me or anyone associated with me, so for all you "fighters" who dont like Nick , but who have never spoken to him in person, give the guy atleast the respect he deserves by steppin into the cage and giving mma fans great fights.

nick is one of my very favorite fighters, i dont give a fuck if he loses everyone from here on out. he fucking brings it each and everytime.

I agree with Ponce. Already bought me a t shirt and cant wait until it gets here.

Nick is a great fighter and is fun to watch.

The clothes however...I don't git. Filthy Fighter...huh? That doesn't sound
appealing to me. Seems dirty...street fighter...non talented. In fact the
opposite of guys like Diaz. Also, the logo needs work IMO. An old bald
headed guy? I wouldn't want that on my clothes.

Just MO

It's nice to see the site up.It only took 6 mo's!lmao.The gear is sic.We need Hedger listed as a "filthy fighter".TTT-for "ASS,CASH or PRIDE"!Only the true fighters and fans can and will appreciate this shirt!

Just ordered a shirt.

hey guys,
thanks for all of the feedback, both good and bad...we appreciate it!!! Thanks to those of you who have picked up a shirt or other gear!!!

We know that there are improvements to be made on the website and we are working on it!!! Keep checking back for more updates...and if you get a chance, join our forum!!! It's no MMA.TV, but it's not bad, and it is getting better!!!

If anyone has any other questions or comments, shoot me an email at Also, to those of you who have picked up some gear...shoot us an email or call us up to let us know how you liked it!!!

2299-answer your damn phone!

How about a pair of those Jeanss he always rocks.


I am buying one right now!!!!!

Hey BJ, drop me an email if you get the chance.