Nick Diaz's Hoodie...

Nick Diaz's hoodie is now available on the Filthy Athletics website along with the Nick Diaz t-shirt. There are also different styles of t-shirts, hoodies, etc.

Bear with us as we are still updating the site and making it better! We would love to hear your feedback as well, so let us know what you like and what you don't like!!!


cool stuff

im gonna get me a filthy fighter hoodie


thanks, headbutted...glad you like it!!! let us know what you think of the hoodie!!!

hahaha, that was great, FCF

Dolphin, thats cool...we have tshirts, shorts, and other items as well;) thanks for your feedback!!!

you can also check out,


the ass, cash, or pride shirt is awesome.

If you can't get it to work, hit up our email and we will get you straightened out.

Sorry about the confusion!

TTT for Diaz!!


"I wish it said on the back 'i ain't no b*tch'"

  • How about that on the front and "I just lose a lot" on the back? ;p

In all seriousness, what is it about Nick Diaz that makes you think people want to dress like him or have anything to do with him?

In all seriousness..because he brings it every fight, he trains like an animal, and we believe in him and his talent.

suge1 is correct

im a loyal Nick Diaz fan, always will be

a few losses on a 22 yr olds resume isnt a big deal

especially when the guys he lost to are very good fighters

hes usually the more exciting fighter, even in his losses

karo,sherk,diego,riggs....not a bad list


Every time Diaz fights, I am looking for something to impress me. I really want him to do well. But everytime he fights, he has a lackluster performance and then seems surprised when the judges vote the other guy the winner. Then on top of that, he seems pissed that everyone thinks he lost..LOL

Cool designs. I like the shorts and the shirt!!!

I hope business really takes off. Market well and you will win!

Best of luck.

Devon C.

LOL @ fans despising a fighter just because he trash talks. You must be thinking of pro wrestling fans. MMA fans just love to see a trash talker get his ass kicked every time he steps into the cage. Diaz fits the bill perfectly: a tomato can who isn't aware he's one.

Maybe you should hook up with Floyd Mayweather and his record label Philthy Rich Records. O - wait - he would lol.