Nick who?

MasterofMartialArts - 
TFK_SickEye - That's because I'm posting it in multiple threads on purpose.

And I agree with the fundamental points that are being said. He doesn't deserve a title shot, but I don't make those decisions.

And nothing is more played out than the "he's 1-2 in his last three, hasn't fought a top ten, blah blah" comments.

We ALL know this. Phone Post 3.0
Fair enough, but it's true. And as long as people are campaigning for him to get a shot, the facts will still remain.

I understand that you're not responsible for giving out title shots, it's just the guys that say he really deserves it right now that bother me.

You aren't as bad as the norm for Diaz fans, I can actually debate with you :). Phone Post 3.0

Thank you're a gentlemen and a scholar! :)

But a lot of trolls around here make Nick out to be a can who will get 'destroyed' by just about anybody, which is what prompts a lot of fans to react the way they do.

That's why the word 'polarizing' inevitably comes up when referring to Nick!

TFK_SickEye -

Thanks for doing your part in perpetuating his popularity!

If you haters would just leave it alone, his name wouldn't pop up on here nearly as much as it does.

So again...thanks for the free publicity bud!

Just one more thing...

They ended that poll with Diaz at about 45%. Still a majority, but that pic doesn't tell the full story. Phone Post 3.0

Yawn at the op Phone Post 3.0

TFK_SickEye -
MasterofMartialArts - 
TFK_SickEye - That's because I'm posting it in multiple threads on purpose.

And I agree with the fundamental points that are being said. He doesn't deserve a title shot, but I don't make those decisions.

And nothing is more played out than the "he's 1-2 in his last three, hasn't fought a top ten, blah blah" comments.

We ALL know this. Phone Post 3.0
Fair enough, but it's true. And as long as people are campaigning for him to get a shot, the facts will still remain.

I understand that you're not responsible for giving out title shots, it's just the guys that say he really deserves it right now that bother me.

You aren't as bad as the norm for Diaz fans, I can actually debate with you :). Phone Post 3.0

Thank you're a gentlemen and a scholar! :)

But a lot of trolls around here make Nick out to be a can who will get 'destroyed' by just about anybody, which is what prompts a lot of fans to react the way they do.

That's why the word 'polarizing' inevitably comes up when referring to Nick!

Very true. I'd like to say I'm somewhere in the middle. I dislike his attitude sometimes and his behavior in the cage, but there's no denying he's extremely skilled and one of the best.

If he would have rematched Condit and beat him, by now he might have been fighting for the title. I understand it from a business perspective, but as a more traditional MMA fan, I like to see the guy most deserving get the shot.

Voted up by the way!! Phone Post 3.0

And if you notice I mentioned your name in one of D241s threads...^^ Phone Post 3.0

MasterofMartialArts - And if you notice I mentioned your name in one of D241s threads...^^ Phone Post 3.0


I wouldn't have caught that one. Now I feel bad for calling you a momo last night LOL!


TFK_SickEye -

Thanks for doing your part in perpetuating his popularity!

If you haters would just leave it alone, his name wouldn't pop up on here nearly as much as it does.

So again...thanks for the free publicity bud!

Just one more thing...

Hahaha voted up Phone Post 3.0

IAmNotImpressedbyYourStocktonSlap - For someone that doesn't know who nick Diaz is, you sure do know a bit about his career. Phone Post 3.0
Good point Phone Post 3.0

TFK_SickEye -
MasterofMartialArts - And if you notice I mentioned your name in one of D241s threads...^^ Phone Post 3.0


I wouldn't have caught that one. Now I feel bad for calling you a momo last night LOL!



I'm not even sure I want to know what that is.... Phone Post 3.0

GSP_GREASED_MY_BUTTHOLE - The fact that you are trying SOO HARD to discredit him only tells me that you are afraid he will win the belt if they let him fight. Phone Post 3.0

Yes, we're scared he will win the title.

Wait, what? Why would we be scared he would win the title? This isn't us and Nick against the haters. This is people being objective. Most people wouldn't care if he won the belt, they don't hate Nick. They hate his delusional fanbois.

The fact is Nick is UNDESERVING of a title shot based on every imaginable metric you can bring up. He hasn't beaten a top guy in ages. He has a losing record over his last couple of fights.

But, but Master Osbot Chael Sonnen got a title shot off of a lose! Apples and Oranges my padawan. Nobody wanted to fight Jones. Chael stepped up and took his beating like a champ. There is a line around the corner and down the block to fight Hendricks. Nick is not deserving of cutting to the front. He needs to slap someone down, make a statement and make a case for WHY he should be at the front of the line.

Otherwise he is just being the anti-thesis of his public persona. He's being a bitch hiding behind words. He isn't letting his actions speak for him and THAT is what Nick Diaz professes he is about. Go beat a top guy, stop passing on fights and earn his title shot like everyone else.

He isn't special.

If he wins the title down the road, I'll be happy that he finally sorted his issues out and found the success he desires. Until then, he's just selling Wolf Tickets.

Nick would pepper Johny to death, gas him out and tko him in the 4th or 5th. Robbie landed strikes at will, just imagine what ole nick would do to that tobacco spitting bearded face.