Nick who?

Diaz?  Who's that?

Isn't he the guy that hasn't won a fight in two and half years then quit?  

He's retired, silly.  GSP retired him.

Man you're clever... Phone Post 3.0

Just reciting facts about this Nick Diaz character that everyone is talking about:

Fact:  Nick Diaz hasn't won a fight since Oct. 29, 2011.

Fact:  Nick Diaz's last two fights were back to back title fight losses.

Fact:  Nick Diaz is retired.

Fact:  GSP retired Nick Diaz.

More fun facts:

Fact:  Nick Diaz turned down a MW fight against Michael Bisping.

Fact:  Nick Diaz turned down a rematch against Carlos Condit.

How do any of those facts merit title shot?  Just kidding, I know the UFC is more like a carnival show than a sport and so he will probably get a shot merely for being a draw.

For someone that doesn't know who nick Diaz is, you sure do know a bit about his career. Phone Post 3.0


Yes, crush the voices of all those who dare besmirch the almighty uncrowned WW Champ Nick Diaz.  Like a good, true believer cultist.  Keep fighting the good fight and enjoy the kool aid, homie.

biggest 209 fan in the world right here but OP is correct and it makes me sad to admit. Still think he has a great chance at anyone in the top 5 right now and if you disagree you are silly no matter who you are.

Diaz is good and all but he needs to get off the social media and get back in the cage and talk with his fists because social media is weak shit for insecure attention seeking media whores and narcissists.  

He could have rematched Condit and if he beat him he'd probably be next in line right now with no discussion and all kinds of the "respect" he so desperately craves plus he'd have gotten paid win or lose.  Instead he whines on worthless Twitter and babbles about respect and doesn't get anywhere while other contenders rise up, and he actually expects them to step aside.  Kind of self-centered and shortsighted.  Where is the respect for the other guys in the division?

Thanks for doing your part in perpetuating his popularity!

If you haters would just leave it alone, his name wouldn't pop up on here nearly as much as it does.

So again...thanks for the free publicity bud!

Just one more thing...

TFK_SickEye -

Thanks for doing your part in perpetuating his popularity!

If you haters would just leave it alone, his name wouldn't pop up on here nearly as much as it does.

So again...thanks for the free publicity bud!

Just one more thing...

You didn't address any of his points... Plus what you just said is played out.

I saw you post it in another thread. Phone Post 3.0

That's because I'm posting it in multiple threads on purpose.

And I agree with the fundamental points that are being said. He doesn't deserve a title shot, but I don't make those decisions.

And nothing is more played out than the "he's 1-2 in his last three, hasn't fought a top ten, blah blah" comments.

We ALL know this. Phone Post 3.0

The fact that you are trying SOO HARD to discredit him only tells me that you are afraid he will win the belt if they let him fight. Phone Post 3.0

GSP_GREASED_MY_BUTTHOLE - The fact that you are trying SOO HARD to discredit him only tells me that you are afraid he will win the belt if they let him fight. Phone Post 3.0
Unless they change the scoring criteria to where throwing your arms up and calling your opponent a bitch counts then I think not friend. Phone Post 3.0

Nick beats Hendricks down in the 4th after Johny gasses and realizes he can't keep up with Nick and wilts under the unrelenting Stockton slaps delivered. Phone Post 3.0

Nick has faced powerful strikers and has proven time and again that his chin can take the hardest from the hard hitting. And what people fail to recognize is that Nick stuffed a lot of GSPs takedowns. His TDD has obviously improved and even once on the ground, Johny is no where near the mastermind that GSP was. Johny would get subbed if he tried to wrestle Nick and knocked out if he stands with him.
Hendricks does not win that fight. Phone Post 3.0

IAmNotImpressedbyYourStocktonSlap - Nick has faced powerful strikers and has proven time and again that his chin can take the hardest from the hard hitting. And what people fail to recognize is that Nick stuffed a lot of GSPs takedowns. His TDD has obviously improved and even once on the ground, Johny is no where near the mastermind that GSP was. Johny would get subbed if he tried to wrestle Nick and knocked out if he stands with him.
Hendricks does not win that fight. Phone Post 3.0
I would have to rewatch that fight, but iirc GSP took Diaz down almost at will, Nick stuffed a couple, and everybody have him mad respect and credit for the couple that he stuffed. You guys make it seem like Diaz will sub anybody as soon as it hits the ground.

He can and is able to, but based off his recent fights I doubt he would, I also doubt Hendricks will be taking him down and laying on him.

The one thing that bothers me about Diaz fans is that you guys are always posting things like "he will destroy this guy" or "he will easily sub or KO this guy". When in reality I've never seen him in an easy fight, and you guys are always discrediting his opponents right off the bat.

He should have to win a couple of fights before he gets a shot, just like anybody else. Phone Post 3.0

TFK_SickEye - That's because I'm posting it in multiple threads on purpose.

And I agree with the fundamental points that are being said. He doesn't deserve a title shot, but I don't make those decisions.

And nothing is more played out than the "he's 1-2 in his last three, hasn't fought a top ten, blah blah" comments.

We ALL know this. Phone Post 3.0
Fair enough, but it's true. And as long as people are campaigning for him to get a shot, the facts will still remain.

I understand that you're not responsible for giving out title shots, it's just the guys that say he really deserves it right now that bother me.

You aren't as bad as the norm for Diaz fans, I can actually debate with you :). Phone Post 3.0

I would love to see Diaz in a title fight to either be done with him or see him relevant again.

It sucks having him in no mans land. He did put himself there though.

MasterofMartialArts -
IAmNotImpressedbyYourStocktonSlap - Nick has faced powerful strikers and has proven time and again that his chin can take the hardest from the hard hitting. And what people fail to recognize is that Nick stuffed a lot of GSPs takedowns. His TDD has obviously improved and even once on the ground, Johny is no where near the mastermind that GSP was. Johny would get subbed if he tried to wrestle Nick and knocked out if he stands with him.
Hendricks does not win that fight. Phone Post 3.0
I would have to rewatch that fight, but iirc GSP took Diaz down almost at will, Nick stuffed a couple, and everybody have him mad respect and credit for the couple that he stuffed. You guys make it seem like Diaz will sub anybody as soon as it hits the ground.

He can and is able to, but based off his recent fights I doubt he would, I also doubt Hendricks will be taking him down and laying on him.

The one thing that bothers me about Diaz fans is that you guys are always posting things like "he will destroy this guy" or "he will easily sub or KO this guy". When in reality I've never seen him in an easy fight, and you guys are always discrediting his opponents right off the bat.

He should have to win a couple of fights before he gets a shot, just like anybody else. Phone Post 3.0
Nick stuffed half of GSPs takedowns. The way Diaz moves on the ground isn't replicated by anyone, and even Georges had trouble holding him there, as shown by Georges being tired by the end of the 3rd.

Johny could take Nick down, then Nick would roll and grab a leg. Match over.

Nick range from his boxing, mixed in with the way he swaps from head to body are confusing enough, and Robbie had plenty of success from the pocket - where Nick excels.

Think Diaz vs Daley on the feet, minus the knockdowns delivered by Daley. Phone Post 3.0

Wow, haven't seen this thread before. Very original, OP, you must be quote the intellect. Phone Post 3.0