No UFC @ E3

THQ (The makers on the UFC game) has announced their official line for E3. UFC isn't in the line-up.

Freakin' bummer. THQ is lagging on the game. I hope it's not gonna be another half ass attempt at MMA. This is the perfect time for MMA. If the game is good, it would help boast the UFC/MMA even more.

 IMO, it's too difficult to make a good MMA simulation game. It's almost always going to disappoint. It's hard enough actually finding a good 1v1 fighting game, let alone one that's good and covers UFC.

no it wont...this is THQ...i dont like wrestling...but those games are very well put together and they balance the wrestlers styles very well soo it shuld be good

no it wont...this is THQ...i dont like wrestling...but those games are very well put together and they balance the wrestlers styles very well soo it shuld be good

 That's true, hopefully it's modelled around the pride game, that was competent.