Nog v Carwin?

Zuffa make it happen!

Lesnar Fan 17 - Lesnar vs. Nog would be muchhhh better

Agreed Phone Post

Do you guys want Nog to die? I have a feeling it's all down hill from here for him.

I think Carwin would wreck Nogueira within two rounds. Rodrigo is far too slow to exchange with a monster power striker like Shane, and he doesn't have the wrestling to take the fight to the floor. Nogueira could try using movement to tire Carwin out, but Nog has a tendency to stand in front of people, and that would quickly get him TKO'd in this fight.

Dawggy - Nog vs Werdum sounds good to me.

that actually sounds really good

mark9 -
Dawggy - Nog vs Werdum sounds good to me.

that actually sounds really good

Ehh, Nog has better boxing and Werdum won't show him anything he's never seen before. This either turns into Cormier vs Monson or 100% stalemate on the ground. Phone Post

If Carwin hits Nog with the same shots Schaub hit Nog, it's a done deal. Phone Post

 Not sure Nog needs to get punched in the head by one of the hardest hitters in the sport's history at this stage in his career.

I'd watch it though for sure.

I love Big Nog, but he wouldn't last 2 minutes against Carwin. I hope he gets a couple of fights against borderline contenders, has a rematch with Mir then retires. I don't want to see him massacred by the top KO monsters in the division.

do not want to see him get hit by carwin the way schaub hit him, nog would be put out in a bad way

mark9 - 
Dawggy - Nog vs Werdum sounds good to me.

that actually sounds really good

Happened in Pride already and it was an AWEFUL fight, super boring. Nog apologized after the fight. I'd rather see Carwin or maybe Kongo after he loses to Mitrione.

God no, Carwin is the worst matchup for Big Nog. Have him fight Brock, that would be great. Or setup a Mir rematch.

How about Nog vs Crocop/Big Country winner?

I wanna see Carwin vs Nog, after 2 consecutive loses I want to see where Carwin is at.

I'd rather see Nog vs the winner of Nelson/Cro Cop. If he wins that and looks good then let's talk about Carwin, Lesnar, etc.