NOGI Worlds streaming FREE

Hey guys Nogi Industries will be streaming the Nogi World Championships FREE on November 8th.  This is a great opportunity for all of you who can't attend live.  Check it out and for those of you that will be attending , I will be at the Nogi booth all day so come say what's up.

Chris Brennan

awesome, I was going to compete but will be outta town by then. I dont know they decided to have it on Sunday instead of Saturday.

 Thanks, Chris!!!!!


Good for the sport!




 TTT thanks guys


This is Huge.


Just checked the event. Why does the IBJJF have their own retarded weight classes that don't correspond with any other event?

 I don't know but they made Nogi shorts an approved short for the event so shhh :)

 Shawn Williams and Sean Patrick Flannery will be commentating the final matches

^^^that's awesome!!!!!

It's cool that Sean Patrick Flannery is doing this so close to the opening of Boondock Saints 2: All Saints Day. I'm sure there is pressure for him to be doing press stuff.

That dude is a badass!


Shawn Williams and Sean Patrick Flanery have been confirmed to do Play by Play!