Notre Dames Tommy Z (vid)

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he looks explosive, but very hittable.

he should fight travis kaufman

He said he kept hitting him until the ref counted it as a knockdown. More like until the ref had to pull him away.

whats his record?

"What a piece of shit, how many times did he hit the guy while on a knee?
Another mike kyle in the making.

I can just hear these guys talk "Me no care about rules, me want to kill".

I have no problem with someone getting their ass-kicked, just within the scope of the rules, if any are set."

That wasnt bad at all. He threw two punches that were late and it was because the guy wasnt all the way down, very different from the things Mike Kyle's done. Also, whats with that quote? He went to Notre Dame, I'm not sure its really fair to lump him in with the retarded thugs that can be seen in MMA or boxing based on that video.

"What a piece of shit, how many times did he hit the guy while on a knee?

Another mike kyle in the making.

I can just hear these guys talk "Me no care about rules, me want to kill".

I have no problem with someone getting their ass-kicked, just within the scope of the rules, if any are set. "

You are completely exagerating.

TTT for "Me no care about rules, me want to kill".

props to guy. Im sure its hard to make time for training while also training for football. This guys in no where near Mike Kyle, in fact that is completely disrespectful to assosciate that guy with him at all.

gokartmozart, I actually bought the ppv for a bunch of friends who were Notre Dame graduates. I haven't bought a boxing ppv in years. They're definitely loyal and I bet they got a lot of buys just because of him.

He has got some fast hands.

The Calf Cruncher


for his first fight i guess it was alright. very explosive, not much skill yet. i agree with the hate for hitting a guy while he's taking a knee.


I counted one punch as the opponent took a knee and one punch after the opponent was down. So, I say it was one punch too many.

-whaledog - the world's first mma blog

Amateur record: 75-15

rewatched it, 2 hits after the glove touched the ground (him officially being down) and he was on his way down a good 3 or 4 punches before that.

"not much skill yet" mighta been a lil strong, he does have some head movement and he punches in combos. was his first pro fight and pro game's different than amateurs.

I'm gonna try not to hate this guy; but he makes it difficult when he not only runs over a guy who's just taking a paycheck to be run over, but hits the guy when he's down.

yah i'll try to keep an open mind. my coworker friend's a notre dame alum and this is a good opportunity to get him into fightsports.

You guys are making way too much out of those two punches. This was not Kid Yamamoto or Takenori Gomi literally having to be dragged off a downed opponent by 5 or more people.

BTW, Zibikowski has a LOT of physical tools. Explosive handspeed, power, and tremendous athletecism. If he decided after a 5 or 6 year NFL career to turn pro in boxing, he would still be young enough to have a serious chance to go somewhere. This guy has been boxing as long as he's been playing football, so he's not just one of these great athletes who thinks he could make a run at boxing (ala Michael Grant, or dare we say Mark Gastinau!)

already the best football player trying his hand at boxing... but that is not saying much...

Obviously the NFL is the smart choice to take right now because it is more guaranteed and the money is more immediate, but can you imagine how popular this guy could be as a boxer, if he's already getting this much attention? What if he could actually win a belt at heavyweight? A white American heavyweight champion and former star college/NFL player? That would be about the biggest thing to hit boxing since a young Mike Tyson. You'd be talking $25 to $30 million paydays. The guy wouldn't even have to be that good to beat a lot of the heavyweights of today. Look at what Joe Mesi was able to do, with a lot less amateur background than this kid, starting much later in the game, and nowhere near the athlete.