NY Senate passes MMA bill, for 7th time

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                                NY Senate passes MMA bill, for 7th time

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                    <p>For nine years UFC representatives have gone to NY&#39;s capitol Albany to try to get the sport legalized and regulated. Five times it passed the Senate but Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver refused to bring it to a vote. In January, Silver resigned as Speaker, following his arrest on corruption charges. The new Assembly Speaker, Carl Heastie, is a past supporter of the bill.</p>

This year the bill again passed the Senate, but did not sufficient support, and so now the Senate has passed a new version, in hopes that it will pass before the 2015 legislative session ends for the year. It is scheduled to end on Wednesday, but many expect it to extend through the week).

The Legislature’s upper chamber voted 49-13 in favor of a newly revamped bill that would legalize the violent combat sport while setting up a $50,000 accident insurance requirement for fight cards and allowing the state Athletic Commission to regulate amateur fights.

The bill now heads to the Assembly, which has long been the roadblock to New York becoming the 50th state to allow the sport on a professional basis. But supporters of the legislation are hopeful the insurance-related changes could help garner support in the Democrat-led chamber.

“We negotiated and got the promoters to agree: This now will cover amateur mixed-martial arts as well as professional boxing,” Sen. Joseph Griffo, R-Rome, Oneida County, the bill’s sponsor, said of the insurance provisions. “It’s a step forward, as indicated by the discussions we’ve had here and concerns that had been raised by members.”

Nine Democrats and five Republicans voted against the bill, including longtime MMA critic Sen. Liz Krueger, D-Manhattan.

“Its’ going to kill you, and it’s probably not the greatest activity to spend your time having fun with non-professionally and not a really great career move professionally, even if you think you’re having a good time now,” Krueger said.

She continued: “I’ll be voting no, and yet I will say I am less uncomfortable if this becomes the law of New York state than the previous versions we have debated here on the floor.”

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Hopefully we get a MSG card this year Phone Post 3.0

Hopefully this finally happens! Phone Post 3.0

Kreuger sounds like the biggest cunt ever Phone Post 3.0

Rahjai MD - Kreuger sounds like the biggest cunt ever Phone Post 3.0
Seriously. Dumb fuck voting no out of pure ignorance and spite. Phone Post 3.0

Floyd'sPeehole -
Rahjai MD - Kreuger sounds like the biggest cunt ever Phone Post 3.0
Seriously. Dumb fuck voting no out of pure ignorance and spite. Phone Post 3.0
She has to be...is she related to Freddy or sumthin thhisssssss?!?! Phone Post 3.0

This shit better happen this year. Too many obstacles have kept it from being legalized. Phone Post 3.0


So this is the year?  Again?

The time is now Phone Post 3.0

BJTT_Rinickulous - The time is now Phone Post 3.0

Haha VU

Im just waiting for the Culinary Unions to pull some BS in the final hour

whens the vote?

“Its’ going to kill you, and it’s probably not the greatest activity to spend your time having fun with non-professionally and not a really great career move professionally, even if you think you’re having a good time now,” Krueger said.

Donating your brain to science is not a really great career move either Krueger, even if you think you're having a good time now. Phone Post 3.0