NYE: DREAM, ONE FC against Sakuari

Hoping to see the NYBA finish Sakurai like this

YouCantHandleMyRiddum - 

Hoping to see the NYBA finish Sakurai like this

never gets old.

Phast Philly

Hell yeah

Good luck brother

WAR NYBA! Phone Post

ttt nyba

Knock him silly Phil.

War baroni! Ill be cheerin for ya. Phone Post

That Lindland decision was booshit!

Thanks, Im putting in the work.

Thanks, Im putting in the work.

PhilBaroni - Thanks, Im putting in the work.

Bro. Just go in there and bang bro. Really bro just bang bro.

Phil Baroni vs Scott Jansen






Power. Love your work Phil. I don't think there is a fighter out there that isn't afraid of your punching power.

Good luck Baroni. Good to see you back on the big stage where you belong .

We know you will take the fight to him and look forward to an exciting fight. Good Luck.

War Phil! Phone Post

UFC 42 had the best broadcast team ever!!

Swear to GOD, Phil. If you don't win, I'm going to set your goldfish on fire.