NYE: DREAM, ONE FC against Sakuari


This is my latest interview going into my next fight on NYE against Sakuari

Thanks for the Support!

WAR BARONI. Good luck brother hope to see you back in the UFC soon Phone Post


Do it up Phil!

WAR Baroni Soccer Kick To The Skull Bro!

Can't wait for this event. ONE FC/Glory/DREAM is the best thing to happen for JMMA in a long time.

PhilBaroni - http://sbn.to/QxCB6q

This is my latest interview going into my next fight on NYE against Sakuari

Thanks for the Support!

Thanks Phil. Good luck in training and in the fight. I'll be watching!!! Phone Post

Damn, I never thought that the Dream NYE card was even going to happen. 

Hayato? Damn, I wanna see this!!!! Good fightin' Phil!

Whats the rule set going into this if its a joint venture?

I'm predicting a lot of soccer kicks and a lot of crotch grabbing, then a UFC signing shortly after.

How fat and out of shape do you think Sakurai will be after not competing for a year?

Give em' hell Phil!

Thanks for the support guys.... Im headed out for a long run.... ROAD WORK !!!!

just got back from a 60 min run in the rain.

thanks for the support, Ill be ready and Im turning up my training now to make sure.

im sure it will be a good action packed fight

ill be ready!

you coming back to Fresno anytime soon?

Are they doing it Dream vs. OneFc like they did with SRC in 09? That would be awesome 

I'm a big Sakurai fan, but I'll never root against the NYBA

Fuck em up, Phil Phone Post