Official: Bas vs Kimo...

From sherdog....

"The World Fighting Alliance, scheduled for July 22 in Los Angeles and aired live on Pay-Per-View, added what could be its biggest fight on Wednesday with the announcement that former UFC heavyweight champion Bas Rutten (Pictures) will return to fighting after a seven-year absence to face Kimo Leopoldo (Pictures).

"I've managed to stay pretty close to 'fighting shape' amidst my involvement with the IFL and my broadcasting work," Rutten stated in a WFA press release, "and I'm confident that my skills will be sharp as ever when I face Kimo on July 22nd."

After returning from a four-year hiatus in 2002, the tattooed Kimo has gone 3-2 in the WFA, UFC, Rumble on the Rock and PRIDE.

"I've helped this sport come from bare knuckles, no rules and no excuses to where it is today, and for this man to select me specifically as the target for his comeback is an insult to everything I've accomplished," said Kimo in the release. "This will be the shortest comeback of all time, and Bas will regret the day he chose me for his return to the cage."

I'm an idiot-I missed the "special" yellow thing on top.

Oh well.

I hope they get that on DISH. This should be a really solid event.

Directv please.

What goes on in Japan does not carry over to the U.S. That is an entirely different animal.

You guys realize that if Kimo wins, its gonna be fucking ugly, right? And that Bas' legacy will be forever ruined?

I think Kimo is getting in on the ground but I doubt he's better on the ground. I don't doubt that he'll pass guard, be able to escape subs, go for some of his own world's strongest man competition jiu-jitsu (tm), and hit Bas in the face plenty of times. But I can also see Kimo getting freaked out by some hard kicks. Kind of a toss up. I like this match up.

Go Bas!!!

Awesome to see El Guapo back in the mix. Hope this isn't a one time thing cause Bas is a true character and is great for the sport. Would be great to see Bas after this fight to maybe fight Frank. Can you guys imagine the draw of this match in mma! Hello!? Dana,Strikeforce, etc etc Make it happen!

"You guys realize that if Kimo wins, its gonna be fucking ugly, right? And that Bas' legacy will be forever ruined?"

Yeah right. And you do realize that Bas handpicked Kimo out of all the good fighters out there he could comeback against for a reason don`t you?

Bas best chance is to come into the fight in better shape than Kimo and beat him after he gets tired. That shouldn`t be too hard the way Kimo gasses out.
