Ok, so did that neuro exam...

Spent all day Tuesday at the hospital doing a neuro psyche exam to determine what areas of the brain have been damaged from the excessive head trauma over the years. We already know what the CSPINE and MRI shows.

They wanted the Neuro psyche testing due to the personality changes, severe memory loss, seizures, numbness, change in reasoning skills etc...

Let me be the first to say, FUCK THAT SHIT...stick me with a needle any fucking day of the week over that shit again and I fucking hate needles.

Sat through questions, memory exercises, a lot of them, manual dexterity tests, interviews, timed tests etc... and just when you think the day is over with, 600 question booklet of questions asked 12 different ways.

I felt so damn mind fucked by the time that day was over.

Best advice...monitor how much head trauma you have in training, competition...it will eventually come back on you.

What prompted you to go in for all this testing?

People always diss on the dumb guy, but truth be told, he has the least to lose.

Dude, I've been retired from fighting for 2 yrs now due to brain tumor, muscular dystrophy and various symptoms. Hand shakes, seizures, memory loss, eye twitches, problems swallowing, weakness in the muscles and joints, excessive pain throughout etc... Excessive head trauma is what the neurologists have said brought on the brain tumor and an early onset of muscular dystrophy (hereditary but brought on early from the head trauma).

You must have missed my posts over the last 2 yrs.

I've had CSpines, MRIS which have to be done every 3 months to monitor the brain/tumor, EMG's, EEG's, Neuro Pscyhe testing now etc...

I'm doing fine day to day, learned to work around a lot of it. We're still just trying to get to the bottom of what exactly all of the issues are. 2 yrs later, we're still working on it, test after test.

But that's why I build cages now instead of teach and compete. Gotta stay close to the sport.

Dojosensei - 

You must have missed my posts over the last 2 yrs.

Evidently. Best of luck with it. I'd be interested in hearing more about what you discover with the exams/treatment.


You started dieting a while back to shed the pounds you picked up from not training, right? How's that coming along?

Jesus dude, I had read some of your posts in the past, but didn't realize the extent til now. Appreciate you posting though so that others can see the potential long-term realities of what these guys are doing day in and day out. MRIs are teh suck.

Dojosensei - Dude, I've been retired from fighting for 2 yrs now due to brain tumor, muscular dystrophy and various symptoms. Hand shakes, seizures, memory loss, eye twitches, problems swallowing, weakness in the muscles and joints, excessive pain throughout etc... Excessive head trauma is what the neurologists have said brought on the brain tumor and an early onset of muscular dystrophy (hereditary but brought on early from the head trauma).

You must have missed my posts over the last 2 yrs.

I've had CSpines, MRIS which have to be done every 3 months to monitor the brain/tumor, EMG's, EEG's, Neuro Pscyhe testing now etc...

Holy shit. Best of luck, man. That's alot to be dealing with.

I didn't know that brain injury can cause a tumor.

When you meet with your God, he won't look you over for medals, degrees and diplomas...he'll be checking out your scars...

Diet is actually going great. Went from a tight 40" waist to a loose 36". Down from a 2XL shirt to a Large shirt. From 246 lbs to about 220-225 depending on the time of day.

Thanks for asking and the support!

No not a sleep doctor. Therapist, don't have the MD behind my name.

Dojosensei - Diet is actually going great. Went from a tight 40" waist to a loose 36". Down from a 2XL shirt to a Large shirt. From 246 lbs to about 220-225 depending on the time of day.

Thanks for asking and the support!

No not a sleep doctor. Therapist, don't have the MD behind my name.

What happened with the brain tumor, can they operate, did they operate, sorry if you have already reported on this.

Benoit had the same crap with all of his brain injuries. Neurology showed brain scans (MRIs) of his brain, was riddled with injuries etc...

We're doing our MRI's. As long as it isn't dramatically increasing in size, they are doing nothing about it right now but doing the rest of the tests etc... to get more information about what's going on.

Just really haven't gotten much further along than what we are at a yr and a half ago besides running different studies to rule stuff out basically. And i fucking hate needles haha.