OMA rnc's some punk (vid link)

Pretty damn funny actually. RNC ownage. If a bluenamer will assist....

Almost early kimbo like with the heater.

Sucker punch for the win.....

If OMA had been involved someone would have been stabbed....


LOL at talking crap while someone has your back!

ttt 4 later

next time maybe put the choke on correct.

That was awesome. Nerd defends himself against a bully.

What made them fight? I want some backround info

Hmm. Maybe he didn't want to totally choke him out and that is why he had the underhook in?

I don't know. I thought it ws pretty funny that the guy was trying to look big by picking on the shortest person there... too bad OMA could actually defend himelf.

Oh, and that ear slap was great...


Hilarious! Shut the Fu..cough...cough..choke

Awesome. He completely tooled that dipshit


video aint working for me

Typical  Tulsa frat party.

That guy is going to have to turn in his bully card.


good vid lol

this was freakin great. You were TOO classy though.

Should've put him to sleep and then written crap all over him in permanent marker. Maybe shave "im gay" into his hair. He deserved it.


saw the video it was great and lol @ the kid who said oo start over outside when the lil guy was putting the loudmouth to bed.