O'Malley Reveals He Got ‘Swatted’ During Recent Gaming live Stream, Briefly Detained

That’s not swatted, that’s just being a buzzkill

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It was a buzz kill and we sobered up instantly as it was the armed UK police

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Only 4% of the UK police are armed, it’s embarrassing

The rest use knives and patons right?

They have kosh’s and pepper spray, only a few of them are allowed tazers.

I swear the UK police are the worst in the world,
Were the laughing stock of the world,

I bet even Canadas police have guns, shit the french po po even have guns and they are pussies

These idiots court attention and hang out with other idiots. If you hang out with stupid people long enough, eventually the stupid rubs off on you.

Guaranteed that O’Malley was sitting there streaming with his face all over the camera with his green and pink hair and tattoos letting everybody know that he was playing and where he was, making an ass out of himself and he got swatted.

These dumbasses need to make their money and sit their asses down at home and not call attention to themselves. Personally, I would make my money and invest it prudently. Self-promotion for fights is one thing but Khabib didn’t need it, Anderson Silva didn’t need it, Matt Hughes didn’t need it. GSP didn’t need it. Celebrity endorsement is another thing entirely but they need to sit down with Shaq and learn how its done. Shaq is a minority owner in just about everything that he endorses on television. Thats the only way that you get is face on something.

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I hope all the people that call the swat teams are punished severely.

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It’s a federal crime so yeah they will be

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Seems like you never hear about anyone getting arrested for it


Which is a shame

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Confused Eminem GIF