Only as good as your last fight

This is the shit that pisses me off! Everybody is talking about how Chuck is done now. Shit happens! And styles make fights. People seem to forget that he was the champion for a long time and in 3 more fights he can be right back in the spot that he once was. The majority of these people who are talking have never fought themselves.

MFS CHICK - This is the shit that pisses me off! Everybody is talking about how Chuck is done now. Shit happens! And styles make fights. People seem to forget that he was the champion for a long time and in 3 more fights he can be right back in the spot that he once was. The majority of these people who are talking have never fought themselves.

LOL,95% of the people on this board have never fought, but they are all "experts".

 Unfortunately, most people are about as deep as a puddle.  How quickly they forget or choose not to look @ all the good things someone has accomplished.  Chuck has been around for so long, has fought everybody, ducked nobody, reigned as Champ for a long time, always fought his heart out, and never whined or made excuses when he lost.  He has given so much to this sport, he is part of it's history and heritage, an important part. 

When you constantly fight the best, and are either the best or one of the best yourself, things happen, and not always good things.  Those are the chances you take as a true warrior.  You go into battle accepting the risks as well as the potential rewards.  The people fighting Chuck are improving along w/the sport, overall.  The more skilled challenger always presents a greater challenge.

Chuck will always be a target, someone people really get fired up to fight and give their best performance because they know that that is what it will take to have a chance.  Chuck is also getting to the point where his reflexes may be slowing down just a little bit.  Respect where it is due, people.  The man has given everything he has to this sport you supposedly love.  Don't write him off just yet, and don't talk down about him.  Remember all he has done and that he may still rebound back to the top of the heap. 

