only @ K-Mart


I hear there's a blue tag special on wrong forum assholes

^^^haha!! Phone Post

this is relevant to MMA clothing and sponsors and the weigh ins...

so just go take your witty comment and do something with it elsewhere bud.

Toney's backed by K-Mart with their logo prominently on his weigh in shirt.

 i laughed big time...... i thought    "Kame-apart" died long ago

holly9000 - I hear there's a blue tag special on wrong forum assholes

 One of the best WFA I`ve heard.

crowbar - 
holly9000 - I hear there's a blue tag special on wrong forum assholes

 One of the best WFA I`ve heard.

 funny but disqualified from WFA of the year due to non-wfaness of the thread

I'd your going to start a thread how about you start the discussion instead of just saying discuss. Phone Post

SRTGEO - I'd your going to start a thread how about you start the discussion instead of just saying discuss. <img src="/images/phone/post_tag.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

The thing is, he asked us if we wanted to discuss.

cajunselfdefense - discuss?

So it appears he was unsure on whether he wanted to discuss the topic at hand. I believe this was a pre-thread thread. If the majority of answers to the "discuss?" question was "yes" then he could have proceeded to create a thread that begins the discussion. He gave us no room to have the discussion here, just if we wanted to have one at some point.