Ortiz vs. Griffin

MysteryOpponent - Tito before fight - I'm 100%!!

Tito after fight - "I was injured!"

How the fuck does this guy have a single fan?

its funny bc its true

 Man I am a big Tito fan but really, idk how much more of this I can take !? I guess I'll have to settle for watching his old fights when he was the dominent champ...


Tito = punching bag

 Tito should sue the athletic commission for allowing him to fight with a cracked skull and bulging disc.....

Fucking liar.....

The judge that gave him the fight should die in a fiery plane crash....

 r3 should b 10-8 cuz tito did nothing but stand and eat strikes

First round was close.

Takedown by Tito and some effective GnP, but it wasn't as effective as Forrest's stand-up. The effectiveness of each gameplan is up for discussion to for anyone, I could see the round going to either fighter. However due to the duration of Forrest's stand-up success:

Round 1 : 10-9 Forrest

The secound round was all Tito in my opinion.

Took him down a few times, did some serious damage and defended all sub-attempts whilst successfully holding Forrest down for a substantial duration. However Forrest did at no point do absolutely nothing and he did land some standing strikes, so...

Round 2 : 10-9 Tito

The third round was Forrest's, very clearly.

I'd have called this a complete walkthrough had Tito not engaged in the last minute and a half, or if he hadn't made at least the weak takedown attempts.

Round 3 : 10-9 Forrest

That's my thinking.

has he ever lost without an excuse?

ouch thats harsh, give him a break its hard enough after a loss.

Griffin will fuck him up worse next time.

 the question is... who will tito lose to next?


MysteryOpponent - Tito before fight - I'm 100%!!

Tito after fight - "I was injured!"

How the fuck does this guy have a single fan?

Ask Shiloh that question.

I want to see Anderson fight Tito and Coleman back to back in the same night

seriously yall watch he same fucking fight? 30-27 fo forrest

Tito is just a "name", nothing more at this point. How can he be 100% before every fight, then say he was injured the whole time? I dont think a "prime" Tito would even be anywhere near relevant at this point. What big name can he beat at 205 at this point? His biggest wins in five years are eeking out decisions over Vitor & Forest. Unless you count the Shamrock fights. He did shut down Rashad pretty well, but that was a snoozer of a fight too. Insane to me, because when I got into MMA, I thought Tito was the MAN. I guess he kind of was at the time, but the talent pool wasnt anything like it is now. He used to be known for his cardio, if he doesnt have that, and cant take guys down, there isnt much he can do.Still would be interesting to see him and Coleman fight, or moreso him and Randlemen since it has been supposed to happen forever, but any of those fights would probably end up being complete snoozers.

 he could give Coleman a good fight, maybe...

Laugh at me if you must BUT
I really think Tito just wants to be loved.

GayGuard MooSaucy - Laugh at me if you must BUT
I really think Tito just wants to be loved.

I think you might be on to something here.

Lame, trying to arrange the 3rd fight already that no one wants to see.

FreakDaddy - 
GayGuard MooSaucy - Laugh at me if you must BUT
I really think Tito just wants to be loved.

I think you might be on to something here.


EasyTapper - I used to be a Tito fan, but it's getting old.

Injured knees, bad back. Haven't been able to train.

Bulging Discs in neck, and a "cracked skull"?? Gimme a break.

You forgot all the "I'm 100%, 110%, never been better, blah blah etc etc" before every damn fight