Ortiz vs. Griffin

GayGuard MooSaucy - Laugh at me if you must BUT
I really think Tito just wants to be loved.

thats everybody

 jenna just twittered shes divorcing tito after his embarassig performance

 Haven't any of you heard any of his interviews?  He FIGHTS for the FANS! It seems like he doesn't have very many and he also seems to be losing some of the ones he does have so therefore if he doesn't have many fans to fight for, he apparently doesn't really fight.  So I'm gonna start a non-profit charity just for him: Fans for Tito!  If he gets more fans again then maybe he will become as dominent as he once was......

OK this "joke" is over... and I'm am a fan of his...

Leghound - 
EasyTapper - I used to be a Tito fan, but it's getting old.


Injured knees, bad back. Haven't been able to train.


Bulging Discs in neck, and a "cracked skull"?? Gimme a break.

You forgot all the "I'm 100%, 110%, never been better, blah blah etc etc" before every damn fight

Injury or no injury he is just a old fighter now.... his body can't do what his mind is telling it to do. There are still some interesting fights for him, but he has lost a couple steps.

ranier wolfcastle -  jenna just twittered shes divorcing tito after his embarassig performance

She must be really mad since they're not even married.

Tito looked slow in the stand-up but kept the fight close with the takedowns and G & P.

Forrest did edge Tito out by virtually pitching a shutout in the 3rd where Tito didn't throw at all..

Lackluster main event in my eyes..

Two non-elite fighters makes not a Headline fight.

MMA Judges should not even exist.

They need to start adding rounds till there is only one man standing.

Tito keeps talking like he won the fight at the postfight presser.


 Tito was super cool to me at UFC 57 I dont; give two shizitts what anyone has to say about him, he's cool with me.

Can someone please objectively explain to me:

a) how Forrest won that fight


b) how he wins all three rounds

as far as NSAC judging goes?

Genuine question as I was watching as a biased Tito fan. I just don't get how you give all 3 to Forrest?

Titos gonna retire in the UFC, right? Isnt that a quote? Man, ive been a huge tito basher here for a long time now but i really thought i just might see something new, crazy, unleashed tito tonight. But alas the same.

If it was an injury, yawn, cant blame me for that. Youve worn it out. Then surely your next fight will be the true tito, right?

Come on Tito prove me wrong. Seriously, ive been bashing tito for ever but in the back of it all really just hoping, wanting him to proe me wrong, live up to his hype

MysteryOpponent - Tito before fight - I'm 100%!!

Tito after fight - "I was injured!"

How the fuck does this guy have a single fan?

He has atleast one fan....I made $20 of the guy tonight at the bar who swore up and down that Tito's striking is the best in the UFC ever........thank god for idiots.

By the end of the fight, Forrest turned Tito into his punching bag. Literally.

Tito looked pathetic.

Congrats Forrest!

Tito did look slow. Still... doesn't explain the 3rd round. He may as well have not come back out after the second. Ugh.

tenchu - By the end of the fight, Forrest turned Tito into his punching bag. Literally.

Tito 'literally' became rags encased in leather? Like transformed mid round? My PPV carrier missed that portion of the event... damn one sided coverage.

Punk09 - seriously yall watch he same fucking fight? 30-27 fo forrest


 Forrest has been good all year and judge Santa Claus came through for him.

Tito is still cocky after the loss. This UFC was not that great but enjoyed the lil nog fight.

Tito needs to fight in trilogies, imo. Tito wins the first, Forrest wins the second... say tuned for Tito/Forest III

 please retire