Ortiz vs. Griffin

Ranier, you hit the nail on the head...retiring would help this situation. He has to many excuses and talks way to much about the past and what he did then. MMA has grown passed him, he hasn't evolved or developed anything else but lay and pray. He does have a brash personality that draws a lot of people, but he hasn't produced anything worth watching except the last 25 seconds of the Machida fight. The UFC should part ways with him, let him fight for another organization to work his way back into the octagon. He puts people in seats no doubt, but with no productivity...people will stay at home next time.

LOL at the cracked skull pic.

Tito did look slow, really bad in the standup. But a couple of his shots looked good, way better than his last few fights. He would shoot from far out and it would look soooooo slow, and I'm guessing that was because of his back.

He got Forrest down in rd. 1 and 2, and he looked in some ways stronger to me, so maybe his back surgery did work. I have no idea what was going on with his standup, yeah it was never very good, but he should have been able to defend against Forrest (not saying Forrest is horrible, but Tito has always had pretty good defense on the feet)

So, maybe he did have some disc crap going on in his neck. It would explain why he looked like ass standing, but had a couple flashes of the Tito of old in a couple of his takedowns.

Just my .02

I'm really frustrated with the excuses, there's no excuse for that. Tito, quit making it hard for your fans to continue to support you. We know you are emotional, but sometimes you gotta just shut the trap, bro :)