Ortiz vs. Griffin

just showing add for fight

Forrest is winning the standup
throwing lots of combinations

Mayhem Submission Fighting -  I hope you guys VTFU to me for supplying so many PM's


Voted up.

Can i get a link too :)

 Stream anyone?

 Bravo PM

 Tito's got nothing. Slow and gassed. His only plan is to get a takedown mid-round and hope to ride out the round. Looks like he's pretty much done. Rogerio would kill him.



10-8 round in the third?

my stream is just now starting the walk outs

Thanks Mayhem

 This is a 10-8 round for Forrest as far as I'm concerned. Tito's landed like one punch to 50 punches and kicks from Forrest.

Say what you want about Forrest, but he never stops working no matter how tired he might be, and he isn't gunshy after more than a couple bad KO losses.


 Xakx    PM

tito like usuall is all talk

 This is what happens when you send out links to fucking people who get them SHUT DOWN............

pm me (no naked pics please)

This fight made me sad. :(

Forrest/Thiago or Vera? (If Thiago wins)

looks like the last round of the first fight

Voted up sir. Thank you.

Same ole Tito :(