Ortiz vs. Griffin

30-27 forrest imo

 Golden check PM

29-28 forrest.

29/28 Griffin.

Forrest must have landed atleast twice as many strikes in this fight....

RD's 1 & 3 Griffin
RD 2 Tito

 wow tito fought like baroni with no right hand

so thats 100%

whatever theyre payinmg him is way too much

even tito knows hes got no chance at the belt now

 Sean Check PM

2 more rounds? No thanks.

Thanks Mayhem, its perfectly delayed to the beginning of the fight!

eljamaiquino - 10-8 round in the third?

orcus -  This is a 10-8 round for Forrest as far as I'm concerned. Tito's landed like one punch to 50 punches and kicks from Forrest.

Say what you want about Forrest, but he never stops working no matter how tired he might be, and he isn't gunshy after more than a couple bad KO losses.


 Cecil Peoples?

he deserved it

Tito was a punching bag in the third. Tito may have won the second...maybe. LOL@ Joe asking for 2 more rounds of this painful fight? Griffin won a 10-8.

29-27 Griffin!

Oh great, another split!

 Wow, not one judge gave Forrest a 10-8 in that last round. Unreal.

Good fight by Forrest. Tito looked flat, obvious ring rust like crazy.

First Baroni now Tito. I feel sad. :(

Forrest wins it IMO

I don't know what happened to Tito is he got hurt or what but he took off the whole 3rd round

How in Gods name was that a SD?

The funny thing is that due to the crappy rules there was still a good chance of Tito winning. Luckily that didnt happen...

Oh man...Tito is digging a hole. :(