Osama Bin Laden dead?

wait. I thought he died years ago. Thats what all the other countries reported years ago. did we miss the bus?

It's all very suspicious.... IMO Phone Post

Paul for pres

lol goodluck with that

this is Obama's chance to spin it to the country saying "we got the fucker, time to come home now."

Hope he does it, but give him credit, one of the first things he did when he was sworn in is make Osama our No. 1 priority. Two years later, it's done. Bush had 7 and came up empty.

he gets no credit.

1st off, I doubt hes dead. And if he was dead i'd give the military the credit, not Reefer Berry. When I was deployed I didnt have Obama next to me.

Old fake pics, traditional "sea burial" & dna evidence. They say they dont know if they'll put out the pics like a bunch of pussy. Then they claim they had multiple test to prove it, but they wont state which kind. It takes everyone else 3 days to get DNA results, but they got on the spot results. Then they buried his body in the sea? Really?!? WTF?!?! Look up muslim burials, thats not the tradional way, although theh say its kind of a last option. Still sounds sketchy!!!

All obaba did was repeal don't ask don't tell, get rid of interrogation prgrams, and cut the military budget. You don't get credit for killing osama merely by saying, "ok" to the shooters...not that he's dead or anything.

You gotta take into account the while Bush was in office he was met with all kind of BS from the democrat side of the aisle. The Dems were fighting tooth and nail against anything Bush and Cheney wanted to do. Called it a "illegal war", unjusted war, and labeling Bush and Cheney "warmongers".

Now that Osama get killed while on a Democratic administration watch, Obama is a hero. I don't hear a peep out of those who called Bush and Cheney "murderers".

There Barney Frank this morning getting all defensive when some news guy asked him why no credit was given to the previous administration for this event.

So yeah....the OBL death is supposed to be a rallying point where all americans unite as one but it is hard to unite when
such hypocrisy exist.

"bin laden killed in 2 years as opposed to still alive after 7"

Serious question...do you think osama started to feel safe and got lazy and sloppy after so many years had passed, and Bush saying he was no longer a priority?

Also, apparently the necessary info was gleaned at Gitmo, via torture. Are you for or against rough interrogation and are you for or against Gitmo?

And one more...they are starting to change the story and say osama was unarmed and didn't resist, didn't use his wife as a shield, and in fact she is alive. How do you feel about the change of stories, and why the different versions?

I'm with you in that as long as he's dead it's all good. Shit, I wouldn't care if they ninja'd in and killed him in his sleep. I'm only wondering why they put out 2 such drastically different stories, and which do you believe? Do you think it's possible the first story is correct, but to minimize embarrassment to the muslim world they changed the story at the expense of the SEALs?

KyokushinCatch - ^ I think the information was rushed & unintentionally embellished by administration leaks & news reporters/networks trying to be 1st with "news"


10 different witnesses, 12 different stories....so this kinda thing would be plausible, where relaying of info from various sources and bunch of pencilnecks in a rush makes for a clusterfuk rather than waiting for one clean debrief and after-actions report.

In communications, untrained people want to put things in their own words or even interpret things in the relaying of info, especially when it is outside of their knowledge or experience.

I don't think torture is a good and accurate way of interregation. Someone will tell you anything and everything you want to hear just to stop the torture. You ever hear of SERE training, and being waterboarded? You can get someone to confess anything, even if it ain't true.

If we are gonna waterboard terrorist, then why didn't they do that shit to Mcveigh? He's a terrorist? But I think it's because he is a white american and they know that shit wouldn't fly. There was more than him and Nichols in on the job. They could have used that technique and got shit out of him, but they didn't want him to say shit.

If you allow that shit, there gonna start waterboading everybody. Once the government has too much power and control you can kiss your freedom goodbye. There already got the patriot act, and the whole TSA groping everybody, and next thing is gonna be our rights to bear arms.

As much as I'd love to hang a terrorist by his nuts, and run some currents through them, its hard to tell whether that info is accurate.

"I don't think torture is a good and accurate way of interregation. Someone will tell you anything and everything you want to hear just to stop the torture."

There's a huge difference between torturing for confession (which we are not interested in as compared with commies), and torturing for valuable information. It is impossible to give up OBL's home address unless you actually know it. And seeing as torture actually led us to him, that's all the proof I need to know that it's extremely useful.

i just like it for the pron potential w/ snuff being an obvious plus.

Moke - "And seeing as torture actually led us to him, that's all the proof I need to know that it's extremely useful."

Do you believe all the news uncle Obama tells us? Do you really believe that the government got the info from Gitmo and they caught him because of that info?

Hard to really say whether they got the info from there. They said they've been following & keeping an eye on someone who eventually lead them to the compound. They've probably known where he was at, but they are just using this as an excuse so they can keep Gitmo open and continue with the "enhanced interrogation" cause it "works."

Theres been reports by other countries saying he's been dead for years, and now Obama says we finally killed him, etc.

I just don't like the "enhanced-torture interrogation" cause it just opens the doors to allow that shit to happen, and eventually they'll start using to get any kind of info from people. Why didn't they use "enhanced-torture interrogation" on Mcveigh and Nichols?

Well let's test it against some basic logic. You said that torture will make you confess to anything...just to make the suffering stop. Well like I said, we are not interetsted in confession so much as useful information. Wouldn't someone in fact then, give up all useful information they have, just to make the suffering stop?

Obviously all info is not accepted at face value. The idea behind gathering info is to compare that info with info from other sources and to validate info through other means.....of course if the info proves false then the subject could expect more of the same or worse no?

The other point that the use of "enhanced" interrogation techniques could become everyday and used in criminal investigations is BS. First off, the CJS has restrictions based upon constitutional law....PERIOD!

Foreign based terrorists/Illegal Combatants are outside of that system and hence why GWB wanted them classified as such. Look at Rhodesia and Algeria for answers, both countries learned the limitations of the civil system to deal with terrorism. A couple good books off the top of my head......"Top Secret War" hard to find WAAAY out of print,I ordered my copy from S. Africa and Battle for the Casbah by Auseresus (or something like that). If people read these books they'd have a better understanding of what we face.....but of course, my classmates and profs when I was in college prefered reading shit written by commies :p

Under international law, spies/insurgents/illegal combatants etc have no rights and can be killed on the spot......so fuk'um.

So as long as there not americans they should be fair game for enhanced interrogation? Sounds kinda fucked up, but sounds true and I'm sure thats what really goes on behind the scenes.

Everybody plays by different rules, and the military we had to follow the rules of the Geneva convention. I know some of us don't agree with that shit, but we had to follow it or end up being punished under UCMJ. So not all insurgents can be killed on the spot, even if we wanted too.

I know we live in a fucked up world, and the C.I.A plays by different rules, and they do there own shit. Sometimes we do need that corruptive way of thinking and acting to get shit done.

I might not agree with the enhanced interrogation, but either way its gonna happen and thats the troof.

Enhanced interrogation or not, we still play by rules and methods. The problem is, the people we are dealing with don't play by ANY rules whatsoever. You cannot expect to win a no rules cage match if you've personally decided you're only going to fight by the Marcus of Queensbury rules.