Osama Bin Laden dead?

You guys hear this?


May 1, 2011
Osama bin Laden is dead
President to make surprise announcement that al Qaeda figurehead is dead
Osama bin Laden over map of europe (CBS/AP)
.(CBS News) The founder and spiritual figurehead for al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, is dead.

Several officials confirmed the report to CBS News, and say that his body is currently in U.S. hands.


I'll have a beer to toast the accomplishments of our armed services!

well well well obama did what bush and his whole iraq war couldn't accomplish 

this is great news, i hope this means we can come closer to bringing back home our troops and stop pouring money into these drawn out foreign wars

pervert - well well well obama did what bush and his whole iraq war couldn't accomplish 


they accomplished in spite of both those morans.


I give no credit for obaba simply giving the "go", however, Bush fucken pissed me off when he started saying osama isn't a priority. Dude, no matter what else is going on in the world, just on principle, osama's head on the White House lawn should ALWAYS have been a priority.

real popular target....probably see a jump in use in days to come?

Face shoot the fuker so he looks like this.


FCTV808 -  lol

Is that the real picture? Damn.

One news agency said it was a combined CIA, JSOC - Army Rangers, Delta Force and Seal Team 6 operation.

Drone id the village Osama was in, President was briefed, green lit by Pres, JSOC sends them in. Got their man. Confirmation sent to JSOC, JSOC gives word to VP Biden and then to President.

^^^ not sure if this is 100% accurate but one news agencie's sources said the way it went. Whatever happened, those men who risked their lives deserve a beer and some medals.

 Now they gotta get Al Qaeda's successor.  repeat

Yeaaaaah, and it only took close to 10 years! I don't believe this shit. I want to see the some real pics, not some photoshopped chit. I won't celebrate till I see that chit! I want a piece of that rag he has on his head.

Apparently that's not a real pic (according to tv), though they did take pics (obviously) I can't wait for those to surface...and they'd better surface gdi.

Moke - Apparently that's not a real pic (according to tv), though they did take pics (obviously) I can't wait for those to surface...and they'd better surface gdi.

and he better be fukin face shot!

they should stuff him and put him on display in the smithsonian.

for scientific study.

not in accordance w/ islamic law.

but, because it's how we roll imhjo

FCTV808 - they should stuff him and put him on display in the smithsonian.

for scientific study.

not in accordance w/ islamic law.

but, because it's how we roll imhjo

And have him on his knees in a islamic prayer ritual inside of a pigpen display surrounded by pigs, and he'll have an american flag turban/head piece???? Just a suggestion?

no, i'd rather have him w/ a smile on his face w/ the politician wave. kinda like this:

FCTV808 - they should stuff him and put him on display in the smithsonian.

for scientific study.

not in accordance w/ islamic law.

but, because it's how we roll imhjo
smithsonian sounds good. I was thinking that we have osama embalmed in a kneeling position with arms out and a female (wearing a traditional hijab headscarf  and burqa) grinding her crotch onto his face. I hear the animatronics at Disney are off the hook these days!



FCTV808 - they should stuff him and put him on display in the smithsonian.

for scientific study.

not in accordance w/ islamic law.

but, because it's how we roll imhjo

Exactly. Interestingly, they did say even though the above pic is old and fake, that he was indeed killed with a head shot. Yes!

I'm pretty pissed about this whole burial at sea bullshit, I mean wtf? They had better at least release a full plethora of excellent pics of that motherfucker with a smoking hole in his head.