Oscar Diaz out of coma!

SAN ANTONIO -- Welterweight boxer Oscar Diaz has awakened from a coma, two months after he was seriously injured during a bout in his native San Antonio.

The 25-year-old Diaz was awake and breathing on his own. He has been upgraded from critical to stable condition, and doctors at University Hospital are cautiously optimistic about his recovery.

"It's very exciting to see Oscar open his eyes," said Diaz's mother, Theresa. "He's a fighter, and I believe he will get better."


This is awesome news. I remember watching that Weds Night Fights and was like wtf? Never seen that before, and I was seriously scared for him. Glad to hear that he's making a recovery because the more time went by the worse his chances were. he's not out of the woods yet but the docs are hopeful

Yeah, it was horrible to watch that fight and then hear about him falling into a coma. So it's great news to see that he at least came out of it.