OSWI 3 revisted

My card would be...

Spider vs Jesse Richardson

Nik Miscovik vs Elliot Bayev

Ulissie Rocha vs Dan Elmy

David Aguzzi vs Peter Fazekas

Shane Rice vs Richard Nancoo

Bryan Edge vs Joey Scarmidila

Wade Shanley vs PJ O'Sullivan

Rebecca Sweeny vs Julianna Nogueria

Brent Beauparlant vs Dan McDonald

Claude Patrick vs Rowan Cunningham

Fabio Hollanda vs Mark Bocek at 155

and I'd also have 1 or 2 matchs for new guys that haven't competed yet or arn't fighting guys that have.

Spider vs Jesse Richardson:

I think hong versus Spidey should happen.

Nik Miscovik vs Elliot Bayev

Ulissie Rocha vs Dan Elmy:

No-Gi obviously

David Aguzzi vs Peter Fazekas:

What about Aguzzi versus Jon Davidson?

Shane Rice vs Richard Nancoo

Bryan Edge vs Joey Scarmidil:

Joey is injured. Edge could take on Marcello Fiaes in no-gi.

Wade Shanley vs PJ O'Sullivan:

P.J. may be injured

Rebecca Sweeny vs Julianna Nogueria:

If Juliana is a Brown Belt then I don't think this is a good match.

Brent Beauparlant vs Dan McDonald:

What about Rob MacDonald? Also Geris versus Macdonald would be better.

Claude Patrick vs Rowan Cunningham:

Great matchup. But if it isn't possible for Rowan to make it from N.S., then how about Claude versdus Brent from Gamma.

Fabio Hollanda vs Mark Bocek at 155:

Good main event but could take place at 160

Other matches I'd like to see:

Maz versus somebody in the Gi.

Scott Lewis versus Somebody in the Gi.

Shahram from ronin has bveen on a tear lately, so I'd like to se him in the Gi as well.

And of Course Esfiha X Munduruca No-Gi

Lots of good fights mentioned there...

Rebecca Sweeny vs Julianna Nogueria: I think Rebecca is bigger than Julianna but there's still 2 belts between them as Kashk mentioned

Spider vs Hong: has to happen since it didn't last time

Claude vs Brent: I don't think that'd happen as Claude is good friends with GAMMA.

Brent Beauparlant vs Dan McDonald: this match is not safe LOL but man I think it'd be awesome, 2 good wrestlers

Fabio vs Bocek: probally at whatever reasonable weight Bocek would want to fight at, also an AWESOME main event

Esfiha X Munduruca: since it didn't happen last time

Shane Rice vs Richard Nancoo: this could also be a main event

Lots of good guys from Ronin's and GAMMA that deserve spots in this event


Lots of quality matchups that could happen. I agree with Kashk, I would like to see Shahram fight on the card as well, he rocks. He is a teammate so I am biased but his tournament record lately does earn him a spot.

Kashk is Mark Bocek walking around at 160? I though at the last TKO he said he wanted to go down in weight to fight Hominick? Ithink whatever weight they agreed on they would sell a LOT of tickets.

Thanks for the suggestion piratesofthemat P.J. has beaten me once but I would be willing to try again. I would like to fight in OSW if there is a spot available.

I think Claude vs anybody would be great to see. Not may people got to see his return to action at Monkey Gym's tournament but he looked sicker than ever.

Aguzzi should fight to be king of the teens, he has time to fight as an adult soon enough. See you next time I'm in MTL bro.


cough Aguzzi versus Davidson cough

davidson vs aguzzi would be awesome.........davidson
by sub.......

Bryan Edge is 155lbs soaking wet. Isn't Joey like 170lbs??

keep this thread alive! I will be in brazil untill August 20th but wil be working on it while I am here! I have met lots of people here and who knows who might show up at the next event! Thanx everyone

Esfiha vs. Canario.....The world, however, may not be ready for such a match.

TTT Shahram is a beast

Come on guys how come I have not seen Jeff Joslin's name yet?

Jeff X Sakurabas cousin!


pretty slick matchups

I have seen Esfiha vs The Canario and trust me. The world is not ready for that yet.

Esfiha X Carnario wont happen! Please keep the suggestions realistic! Thanx to all for the help!

Esfiha X Carnario wont happen! Please keep the suggestions realistic! Thanx to all for the help!

No rematches!

4 man featherweight division with Ritchie and Jeff Glover on opposite sides of the bracket.

4 man lightweight division with Mike Fowler and
Spider on opposite sides of the bracket.

psychokiller, you're a genius