Been saying it for years and I’ll say it again. Overeem was on roids when he fought Lesnar. The real Overeem was the dude who got KO’d by Silva, Browne, Ben rothwell
Lesnar would have manhandled the natural Overeem
that would have made it an even playing field.
Lol are you now implying Lesnar is natty? Obviously roidnar would have manhandled natty Overeem.
The real question is natty vs natty and it was roid vs roid so all good
Let’s not jump to conclusions just yet, maybe the horse meat supply is currently tainted from Jones’s boner pills leaking into the water supply. Let’s wait for the SCIENCE people.
Duh, of course he was on roids when he beat Brock.
He was on roids his entire UFC career, at least until he got caught.
The real Alistair was getting ko’ed in Pride at 205lbs.
That’s the troll dawg
lesnar is my favorite all natural fighter, too.
Color me surprised
Reem is mediocre without gear. Always has been
They were both on roids. Might be P4P most roided contest of all time.
I remember when this show was funny, 20 years ago
Clean Overeem would’ve beat Brock’s butt that night.
Lesnar has looked the same for two decades. Overeems body changed many times. That’s cause he went on and off steroids several times
Not even close. Lesnar woulda taken down that soft body Overeem we saw get KOd multiple times inside the cage
TOTALLY!!! Brock was the only fighter that should be allowed to be roided out for his fights
Stupid Dana
You can take all the Roid you want, but it doesn’t give you a rocksolid chin .
Actually Brock’s physique changed when he switched to mma because he had to be more careful about his roiding schedule to pass the tests. He lost muscle mass.