Overeem vs Hari II


Hey guys,

Yesterday I looked at Hari vs Overeem 1, today I'm looking at the conclusion of the rivalry. Once again, if you have a favourite rivalry please do let me know! 

Hope you don't mind clicking the link and as always all critique is very much appreciated!




Yesterday we examined the unusual ways in which the unlikely Alistair Overeem was able to throw off and upset kickboxing superstar, Badr Hari on New Years Eve 2008. Today we'll be looking at their rematch in the semi-final of the 2009 K-1 Grand Prix. It was entirely appropriate that these two enormous men resolve their feud on the biggest stage in the kickboxing world and the match certainly did not disappoint.

The initial match had a myriad of complications around it such as Hari's emotional state having been disqualified in the final of the Grand Prix just 3 weeks before after fighting 3 matches in one night, and Overeem's relatively unknown stand up status (winning most of his MMA matches by ground and pound, clinch work or submissions and still against pretty mediocre opposition). The second bout, while placed in a one night tournament where a great many unknowns can affect either man's performance, was far from a freak show match made at last minute and both men had ample time to prepare and plan.

The fight is only one round, and the clock is visible in all of the stills that I use, so I encourage you to follow along for this one!


One might wonder what can be gathered in technical analysis of such a short bout, but in truth shorter matches often take place because a gameplan comes to fruition almost perfectly and surprisingly early. It was Overeem's up jab and counter left hook which gave Hari fits in their original meeting.

Hari's change of strategy was evident from the opening bell as every time Badr Hari threw his punches he moved his head to the right side of Overeem's head, away from Alistair's troubling left hand.

Notice as Hari opens with a hard one two (1 - 3 above), he places his head on Overeem's right side, away from the left hook and left up jab that stunned Hari last time and served as a counter to his own wild punches. Here Hari moved straight into a clinch (4 above) with Overeem and was thrown to the floor, but Overeem's status as a pretty one sided puncher (before he began to develop his right hand cross counter) was already being exploited.

Moments later Hari was tested for the first time as Overeem lunged in with his cheat punch - throwing an up jab with his left hand as he stepped forward with his right leg, placing himself in perfect position to throw his infamous left knee strike. Where Hari's guard proved tailor made for Overeem's up jab when he wasn't familiar with the strategy, he had clearly been training to defend it for this fight as he was able to block it by turning his guard to deflect it from the inside (2 below).

As Overeem stepped up to connect his left knee strike Hari used his left elbow and forearm to stiff arm Overeem away (3 above). As Hari did this he made sure that his stance was wide and his feet were almost level so that he could drive off of his right leg for power in his short right hook across the jaw (4 above). These sort of punches in cramped spaces have been a staple of Hari's career as well as Vitor Belfort's (though obviously against much less experienced striking opposition). Hari only glanced Overeem with this short right hand across the jaw, but had hurt numerous K-1 legends with it including Peter Aerts and Semmy Schilt, it would land harder a few minutes on.  

Continues at: www.bloodyelbow.com/2012/12/2/3717286/alistair-overeem-vs-badr-hari-ii-kickboxing-k1-technique-analysis-jack-slack

Good stuff again.

ttt Phone Post

Good threads man I love you Phone Post

Blu namer, please

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4NVlzjnRDQ Phone Post

Sub!! Phone Post


One of the most exciting fights ever IMHO. The build up that night live was ridiculous. Phone Post

TTT Phone Post

TtT Phone Post



For Carne de cavalo é o melhor

Or not. I suck at the interwebz.