Pacquiao/Mayweather fight is back on

"Manny will submit to as many random urine tests as requested," said Arum, who wants the testers used in the NFL, NBA and Major League Baseball. "Regarding the blood tests, he will subject himself to three tests, one given in January during the week the fight is formally announced, one 30 days from the fight, no later than 13 February, and the final one immediately following the fight, in Manny's locker room."

floyd looks like a complete jackass now

war pacman

Mrmetoo is right. If USADA is in charge of the testing like Mayweather wants they will be the ones to pick the dates of the urine and blood samples. Not Bob Arum.

if it happens, Mayweather better win with all the shit he's asking for.

mrmetoo - That doesn't mean it's back on yet. That has been the battle all along. Who oversees the testing. The USADA does random during a 10 week period up to the fight. The others do not and thats why Pac wants them to oversee the testing.

yes of course

manny wants to do a blood test in january, then one 30 days before the fight, then another one right after the fight

anybody can see that it's a clever ploy for him to roid up

if mayweather refuses this deal he is a scared bitch

but we all knew that..

clear view is a complete jackass, quit sucking on Manny's nuts.

doesn't floyd want manny to take random blood tests during his training? if so, i can see floyd rejecting this offer and saying manny isn't man enough to take a blood test.

 What kind of useful roiding cycle would enable Manny to test clean two months before the fight, one month before the fight, and immediately after the fight? And that's just the blood tests, since he has no problem with random urine tests.

 Well I can see a lot of you are drinking the kool aid.  The NSAC oversees the drug testing in Nevada as do all other SAC's in their states, no specialized guidelines are used.  State rules apply, not olympic rules and I'm pretty sure what PBF is asking for is mot common practice.

This is just a ploy by PBF to either 1) make himself look good, 2) jockey for a restructured contract, or a more probable reason is 3) the fact that controversy draws attention and attention equals dollars.

JimmersonzGlove - PBF asking for legit out of competition testing makes NSAC look like a joke.

...which they are...

Will Floyd take the tests also?

mrmetoo -

 You are a jackass along with Floyd. If Pac has agreed to test after the fight in his dressing room and you still believe he is doping you are obviously blinded by PBFs jizz.

Anyone with half a brain can see what PBF is doing. He has become a joke!!! It really is sad because he could have been one of the greatest to ever fight and now the only thing people will remember is how much of a spoiled ass diva he is.

There is no need for Manny to bend over and take it up the ass again and again from this guy. True boxing fans know who the best is. Manny is not the one who has been doubted his entire career for ducking.

Floyd is the one who is broke. Manny is the most famous person and prob the most wealthy person in his country. If I were Manny I would tell Floyd to fuck off and go try to find a fight making a fifth of what he will make with this fight.

What I don't understand is how people still defend this guy. He has been doing this shit for the last 10 years. At some point you have to stop defending him. I know I have.

Wlks like a duck, talks like a duck, it is DUCKING!

orcus -  What kind of useful roiding cycle would enable Manny to test clean two months before the fight, one month before the fight, and immediately after the fight? And that's just the blood tests, since he has no problem with random urine tests.

 Agreed--I have the same exact question.

Macedawgg - 
orcus -  What kind of useful roiding cycle would enable Manny to test clean two months before the fight, one month before the fight, and immediately after the fight? And that's just the blood tests, since he has no problem with random urine tests.

 Agreed--I have the same exact question.

 There is none. Floyd is being a bitch and his fans are blindly following along.

TekNyc - clear view is a complete jackass, quit sucking on Manny's nuts.

i suppose you prefer black cock?

mrmetoo - 
I Sucked Hardy's Swick - 
mrmetoo -

 You are a jackass along with Floyd. If Pac has agreed to test after the fight in his dressing room and you still believe he is doping you are obviously blinded by PBFs jizz.

Anyone with half a brain can see what PBF is doing. He has become a joke!!! It really is sad because he could have been one of the greatest to ever fight and now the only thing people will remember is how much of a spoiled ass diva he is.

There is no need for Manny to bend over and take it up the ass again and again from this guy. True boxing fans know who the best is. Manny is not the one who has been doubted his entire career for ducking.

Floyd is the one who is broke. Manny is the most famous person and prob the most wealthy person in his country. If I were Manny I would tell Floyd to fuck off and go try to find a fight making a fifth of what he will make with this fight.

What I don't understand is how people still defend this guy. He has been doing this shit for the last 10 years. At some point you have to stop defending him. I know I have.

Wlks like a duck, talks like a duck, it is DUCKING!

You're a fucking idiot if you think Floyd told Manny when he needed to be tested. As has been stated in multiple threads with sources, ALL PBF ASKED FOR WAS THE USADA TO OVERSEE THE TESTING.

Fucking christ, I didn't even bother to read your entire post. BTW, I have not once said I think Pac is doping. He is one of my favorite fighters of all time, but everyone is acting like PBF made all the demands when he only ASKED FOR THE USADA TO OVERSEE THE TESTING>

 I never said anything about PBF demanding when pac should be tested! PBF is demending HOW Pac should be tested and that includes drawing blood up to the day of the fight.

Frankly, I dont give a shit if they are all on PED's. Floyd does not get to make outlandish demands just because he thinks pac is using. Pac has agreed to extended testing and thats all that matters.

Bottom line, Floyd is bitch and is acting like a diva... along with his blind followers.


mrmetoo - lmao, you seem mad. In my last post I stated I don't care who wins. But at the same time I don't see why this is such a big deal, let the USADA run the test and sign the contract.

 You are not understanding the problem. Manny, along with any prof athlete does not want blood drawn the week of the fight as he thinks it will weaken him or mess with his training regimen. 

I want to see the fight just as bad as anyone but the prob is Manny doesn't NEED it and if he doesn't want to take it up the ass from floyd he should have the right not to.

This is exactly what Floyd wanted. He knew Pac would never agree to this and in turn it would damage his credibility.

What a joke pbf is. He says it's important for it to be fair but he was the one who came in over the agreed weight for the Marquez fight. It seemed to me that he did it on purpose. It has been one thing after another with this asshole. I really really really hope he gets brutal beat down.

addict - What a joke pbf is. He says it's important for it to be fair but he was the one who came in over the agreed weight for the Marquez fight. It seemed to me that he did it on purpose. It has been one thing after another with this asshole. I really really really hope he gets brutal beat down.


mrmetoo - 
I Sucked Hardy's Swick - 
mrmetoo - lmao, you seem mad. In my last post I stated I don't care who wins. But at the same time I don't see why this is such a big deal, let the USADA run the test and sign the contract.

 You are not understanding the problem. Manny, along with any prof athlete does not want blood drawn the week of the fight as he thinks it will weaken him or mess with his training regimen. 

I want to see the fight just as bad as anyone but the prob is Manny doesn't NEED it and if he doesn't want to take it up the ass from floyd he should have the right not to.

This is exactly what Floyd wanted. He knew Pac would never agree to this and in turn it would damage his credibility.

They both NEED this fight at this point. And the whole thing about blood being drawn is BS. They take 3 teaspoons of blood that will regenerate within 24 hrs.
 We can agree on that. They need to fight. Period. I just don't understand why Floyd has to keep bringing up one thing after another.

It does regenerate in 24hrs but I think the prob for pac is just the continuous demands on Floys part. Not once has Manny made a big deal about the weight and has agreed to let floyd fight at 147(if Im not mistaken)

And yes I am upset, because I am a Boxing fan and this is the kind of BS that has caused Boxing to take a back seat to MMA.

Floyd needs to step up, quit bitching and fight. I enjoyed the conversation with you but Im calling it a night.