pans black belt preview?

as i recall theres been a forum member in the past who put together a preview of each of the weight classes for the pans.. any chance youll be doing it again?

It's usually JSho.

Competitor list was just finalized as 11:59pm last night.

a couple names missing. wonder if its injury or the looming drug test...

Nobodies worried about testing. Guys who are not signed up are either hurt, can't get Visa's, or will "magically" appear on the list next week.

What makes you say no one worries about testing?

wait they ate testing for this event!? wow Phone Post

Only 10 will be tested and they were given advanced notice. Since the announcement was made months ago)

People can say it's a step in the right direction, but drugs are a part of sports now. It sucks for those of us who don't want to take them for long-term health reasons, but I accept that its a part of almost every competitive sport now.

Tyler Bishop - Only 10 will be tested and they were given advanced notice. Since the announcement was made months ago)

People can say it's a step in the right direction, but drugs are a part of sports now. It sucks for those of us who don't want to take them for long-term health reasons, but I accept that its a part of almost every competitive sport now.

There isn't really any conclusive evidence to suggest that steroids negatively impact on long term health, and more importantly, which substances in particular (if any), negatively impact on long term health.

I'm going to write something up today/tomorrow.

I'm pretty busy recertifying my black belt in Shen-Fu, lots of video material to send through for grading and Grandmaster insists on it beign ported to Betamax. Phone Post

JSho - I'm going to write something up today/tomorrow.

I'm pretty busy recertifying my black belt in Shen-Fu, lots of video material to send through for grading and Grandmaster insists on it beign ported to Betamax. Phone Post

Awesome. I always enjoy your tournament previews. Phone Post
