Pat Barry fought back from bankruptcy

Still no proof lol

Just a handful of jealous online simps taking the ā€œhigh roadā€ by talking shit

You, just like other people attracted to children and the vulnerable, are damaged to the point where you live in a world of self delusion, moral justification, and utter derangement.

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Projecting much?

Still no source though, to clarify

No source, if anyone is wondering lol

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You were in the original thread, you stupid motherfucker, you are not going to fool anyone. You saw the evidence, and the evidence is ample.

And AGAIN, I will bring up this aspect, out of all the times that I have insinuated and called you what you are, you have not ONCE, not one SINGLE time opposed my assertions that you are attracted to children. You simply dance around and try and trick and deceive and twist words, just like all you little demons do.

Go to 8chan or reddit where they like pedophiles, youre in my community, get the fuck out.


I think she was like 14 or even 14 and a half, guys.


So no sourceā€¦

Just a mad simp projecting his feelings on the world around him lmao

Breathlessness is a common observance in molested girls, the trauma stunts the body, as it stunts the mind. What about a breastless child is attractive to a 240 pound grown man?

@UncleKrow is my bitch

The longer the posts, the more I know I am doing just as well living in your head.

Mansion right? Rent free?

UncleSimp lol

Are you a pedophile? Are you sexually attracted to children?

Thatā€™s what sticks out to me.cant be forced to say hes not a see how quick my rebuttal was when he accused me of lusting after a coal burner? Thatā€™s how a normal person reacts to being called a chomo

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FYI, still no source

exactly, I know goddamned well what I would say and do if I was ever even slightly called a child molester. It wouldnā€™t be to try and maggot my around and pretend like I didnā€™t see what people know Iā€™ve seen.

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Are you a pedophile? Are you attracted to children?

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You must be a big brain thinker.

Me: check your dates, not a pedo
You: but he HAS to be and now so are you!

Beta Ok GIF by InternetBeta
I see you ^^^

Yes or no. Are You A Pedophile?

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Are. You. Sexually. Attracted. To. Children?

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