Pat Smith Vs Tiger White at KOTC?

In that case Chris, can we have Pat Smith take Joe Pardoe's place against Mike Kyle Friday for WEC, Pleeezz??

vern weighed 210 when i trained with him

You're probably right GB, but I'm desperate for a replacement for Joe Pardoe for Friday!!

Vernon versus Pardoe would be fantastic...
Eastman vs. White is scheduled for KOTC , Miami...


vernon will stand with anyone? yeah, that maybe, i loved when rizzo soccer kicked him in the head...

"vernon will stand with anyone? yeah, that maybe, i loved when rizzo soccer kicked him in the head..."

yeah, I'm glad that you brought that up. Did you know what the rules were for that event? NO head kicks on the ground! But that was most likely overlooked since they fought in Brasil huh? and by the way that fight was what,7 years ago? Good knowledge though, you must speak portuguese too!

"KOTC screwed Vernon. Since Vernon left the KOTC there is no reason to even watch their pathetic events."
I think a lot of people agree with you