Paul fee

Paul Felder vs Mike perry

Since when was Felder a welterweight?  Mmajunkie has that fight listed.  Sorry for title.  

Title is accurate. Felder will make Perry pay a hefty price for taking this fight. 

209'd@170 -

Title is accurate. Felder will make Perry pay a hefty price for taking this fight. 

Lol I like it!

He's a huge LW though

War Felder!!!

ithurts11 -

Ive sucked a dozen cocks with my ass cheeks 

War Felder!!

Shouldn't your SN be ithurts12 then?

United Yorkie Rescue - I prefer to call it Paul toll, has a better ring to it.

This makes more sense

Felder getting the raw deal all the way around. In his last fight his opponent is given the opportunity to main event and he's left with nothing. Now, his opponent is pulled last minute to get a higher ranked opponent and he gets to fight a welterweight who KOd the last lightweight he fought. 

I'll do a screen name bet if any blues are interested.  I've got felder

PPVs are expensive enough without an extra Paul fee.  I say it's a bad idea and should be shitcanned!