Looks like his November bout against Khalidov might be scrapped.
God Damn shame.
Basically says he took a whole lot of the drug "Rohypnol", and when he got to the doctors, the doctor couldn't believe he was still alive, given the quantity he took, and has since been hospitalized.
It also alludes to the fact that it was an addiction Paulo had for over 10 years, even before his time in Pride..
Originally highlighted on Sherdog, but some comments allude to those around him not having his best intentions at heart.
Still one of my favorites for all the great performances he put on, and maybe some day he'll make a triumphant return.
Victim of circumstance?
Or just demons he couldn't overcome?
It's a sad story, cause man, he was damn good.
Rough translation of article:
In an open letter, says Rodrigo Strike fear for the life of Paulão
Colin Foster
After the interview the PVT Paulo Filho on Monday, said Rodrigo Strike is forced to defend those he considers falsehoods about him. Strike, which was responsible for taking him for Fields, said he was obliged to come forward to clarify what happened with Filho and Campos, among other things, said the dosage was roupinol consumed 60 tablets - with a half person can become addicted.
"There's no more hiding. Paulão urgently needs to be hospitalized, "he said.
The PVT published below and in full, the open letter sent by Bob Strike:
"I'm not even arguing this, but I can not stand still while Filho, or someone on his behalf, handles slander against me. For all that I have with Paulão position to say that he is not, nor is one day without taking Roupinol and Potenai. Just someone to go to him and see the marks of explicit two needles in their arms. Paulão need an urgent hospitalization, otherwise it will die.
I did everything possible to free him from this addiction, but could not. His mother knows that I speak the truth, and all close friends. I am sad because the disease causes him to turn against those who try to help him. It is important to clarify that I never spoke to the Filho R $ 20 thousand in fields, but that his mother gave me that he should close values ??in Niteroi and the group that helped him so far would come together to help you pay.
He says he has received nothing from me, but bought $ 10 thousand in dogs and more than $ 8,000 in roosters in fields ... Everything was paid to Filho and he bought his problem is. Never leave me nor real. I've spent a lot from him. He said he had a monthly allowance. Where do you think was? From the sky? All expenses come out directly and indiretamentede me.
Campos Filho came in with a change of clothes, taking 60 tablets a day and 4 roupinol glasses potenai together. I wish I had filmed the reaction of the doctor who first took him when he spoke to intake. It's a miracle nothing yet has happened. Filho refused to take any alternative medicines to replace potenai. I did everything I gave him to eat, medical care, pisiquiátrica, put him in the house of my family and was treated like a child for everyone. I was hiding for days for him not to take drugs in an attempt to reduce the dosage.
I slept on the floor beside him, with the light on because he does not sleep in the dark. I slept not, I dozed off, because he does not sleep. I spent the nights in Ritimo and I believe no one has ever done the same. I consider him a brother, do not know why I did it to me. He knows he has received, I can prove it. What was deducted from his bag and not passed on were the passages and bonus purse. This was not done by me but by the event.
I do not want to receive, but is it me who is, and is more than money, owes me a living. That I can not collect because he can not afford, because I think life is paid with gratitude and not with money. He is being ungrateful, saying the same thing, which is clean, which no one pays all that help or should have helped ... This is the same story for over 10 years.
Two weeks ago he played the greatest emotional terror in me and had to buy 4 boxes roupinol. I have people who are witnesses of all bills paid and I gave him money, and are the people who helped me in partnership, reputable and sober people like me. I say again: If a hospital does not accept your life will end a tragic and unfortunate. "
Why am I not surprised...
He got addicted to the date rape drug? What kind of fun could that be?
This is the stuff and, indeed, it is commonly used as a date rape drug.
LTL -![]()
Never heard of someone dosing themself with that stuff. Interesting.
But, they call GHB a date rape drug too, and Im guessing WAY less than 1% of it's use was for rape.
Just another example of the government/media putting an evil image on something to scare people (see roids/weed/ etc)
Maybe a woman was the problem...
But really, in a previous article, it was mentioned he began drug use as a counter for loneliness and depression.
Rohypnol falls into a category of drugs known as opioids, with a sub-classification known as hypnotics, under which rohypnol falls.
Others being benzo's, and plenty more - but I don't have a degree in chemistry so I can't quote them all.
Basically, they're antidepressants and sleeping aids, but with a range of uses.
Pain relievers/they are used to calm nerves before operations oftentimes, etc.
It's also been quoted that Filho spends the majority of his money on,
1) pitbulls, for use in dog fights
2) prostitutes.
To me, my own personal assessment:
1) he uses opioid (happy inducing) drugs to relieve feelings of loneliness and isolation
2) he spends the majority of his money on prostitutes
the guy obviously has difficulty with relationships, and that's the cause of his problems - his "demons", so to speak.
But that's just me talking...
Rohypnol (flunitazepam) is a benzo, not an opiod.
And benzos are not prescribed as anti depressants. Many depressed people are on benzos aside from their SSRIs or atypical antidepressants, but that is for anxiety as lots of depressed people have issues with anxiety/panic.
Benzos should never be taken as monotherapy for depression, and as a sleep aid they should only be prescribed for short term (ie 2 week) usage due to their addictiveness and high potential for abuse.
That Rematch with Chael is still the weirdest effing thing I've ever seen. Poor guy.
damn shame top of the tree fighter on his game, and just think we probably never even saw him at his best....
hope they scrap khalidov fight he will get wrecked
deepthroat's a snitch
FLMikeATT is correct.
It's sad. He's such a talented fighter.
Honestly, abusing Roofies is the WEIRDEST drug of choice I have ever heard of. Makes no sense to me at all.
It's the same things as Liquid G right? I used to combine that with MDMA or Ecstacy and its not that great.
waste of talent
Agree...any animal cruelty is fucking scumbag shit.
I don't mind the prostitution part and actually agree with that but dogs...NO
Such a shame. He was a talented dude and he may have already wasted his best years.
I've known plenty of people that succumbed to addiction and beat it (although not said drug), I've known guys that admitted to paying for sex and were actually not bad human beings (may have been very lonely), but if you have EVER paid to see a dogfight, you are a legitimate piece of garbage.
If there was any date rape drug one would could use it would be liquid GHB.
You burn so much fat on that
That and listening to this...