Paulo had severe flu?

Any truth to this?

I'm hearing that the week of the fight Paulo had a severe flu and coulden't cut the weight properly but decided to compete anyways under pressure from Zuffa.

Anyone know anything about this?

and yes my name will soon be ILoveToSuckSwock. Email sent to kirik

M1fanboy - and yes my name will soon be ILoveToSuckSwock. Email sent to kirik

looks like it already is:

Paulo had severe flu?
(3) [96] by ILoveToSuckSwock

don't worry mine is going to be BrockWillKillNog soon...

 Not calling him a liar, but I've never had trouble shedding weight while having the flu.  There's a reason doctors tell you over and over again to drink lots of fluids when you have a fever......

theraydiator -  Not calling him a liar, but I've never had trouble shedding weight while having the flu.  There's a reason doctors tell you over and over again to drink lots of fluids when you have a fever......

True, you do get dehydrated. He definitely did look sick though. What kind of "sick" is a question too.

The infamous "Brazilian Flu" strikes again! 

It's caused each and every BJJ loss since 1995.


 flu and roid withdrawal i'd imagine

First it was mental issues and now the flu LOL

BS Domingo.

There are at least 2 instances where the Japanese drugged their water and they couldn't perform properly.

Broken Arm > Flu

So in his two previous fights he had the flu too?

I think if he woulda had the flu, and Zuffa knew about it and still pressured him to fight, they wouldn't have cut him afterwards. They would have cut him a break there.

he's had the flu every fight in WEC? not

he's and addicted loser.

Chael had a broken arm for fuck sakes

get off filho's nuts

He broke his hand in the first flurry and there was no blue tape to fix it.