PBF is to Boxing What BJ Penn is to MMA

...you either love them or hate them,not really much of an in between.Fans and haters are both crazy and irrational,unable to budge off their point at all.No matter what these guys do it's always going to be scrutinized beyond belief and they do a good job of bringing it on themselves.Two great fighters though.(BJ has fought tougher comp)

"PBF is to Boxing What BJ Penn is to MMA"

No, not really.

"PBF is to Boxing What Lesnar is to MMA"

more like

"PBF is to Boxing what Fitch is to MMA"

Miss inf0 - no way.. BJ Penn RARELY puts on a boring fight..

I'd rather watch BJ Penn train with Marv than watch a PBF fight.. any day...

funny you should mention their differences

then mention BJ's TRAINING....

i agree, they're nothing alike.

Miss inf0 - no way.. BJ Penn RARELY puts on a boring fight..

LOL wtf about half bj's fights have been boring

 u guys thought that fight was boring? he put on a clinic against a guy that many had as top 5 p4p

pharochuck -  u guys thought that fight was boring? he put on a clinic against a guy that many had as top 5 p4p

I agree with you, I was very entertained by that fight. 

Floyd hasn't lost ....

Miss inf0 - 
<b> Guaranteed</b>, you didn't pay for it.

Guaranteed you don't know shit about boxing.

Biizz - "PBF is to Boxing What BJ Penn is to MMA"

No, not really.

these fucking tough n00bs walk around thinking they if any tough guy talks shit they'll double leg and own him.......then they'll meet someone like me.....with decent take down defense, forced to stand and get knock the fuck out......attn n00bs just because you know what a double leg is dont assume you are the king of the streets.

 No, because BJ finishes fights. 

KingOfFighters - these fucking tough n00bs walk around thinking they if any tough guy talks shit they'll double leg and own him.......then they'll meet someone like me.....with decent take down defense, forced to stand and get knock the fuck out......attn n00bs just because you know what a double leg is dont assume you are the king of the streets.

Just because your screenname is a japanese fighting game from the nineties doesn't make you a fighter.

LOL, Floyd is to Boxing what Fedor is to MMA, both the best in their respected sport, both are undefeated, both have the mental toughness, both are gym rats.

LOL at the excuses, Floyd is boring LMAO, he did something the haters thought he wouldn't, he stood toe to fucking toe with Shane. And he absolutely DOMINATED his ass.

BJ has more budo in his pinky than Mayweather has in his whole body. Did he demand steroid tests for Machida before he'd fight him at heavyweight?

HardHittingHeeb - BJ has more budo in his pinky than Mayweather has in his whole body. Did he demand steroid tests for Machida before he'd fight him at heavyweight?

and Mayweather's trained harder for one fight than BJ has for all his fights

lets not throw stones in glass houses

D_S_A - 
HardHittingHeeb - BJ has more budo in his pinky than Mayweather has in his whole body. Did he demand steroid tests for Machida before he'd fight him at heavyweight?

and Mayweather's trained harder for one fight than BJ has for all his fights

lets not throw stones in glass houses

I was actually going to say something like this, though BJ has picked up the pace for most of his recent fights. But everyone has their flaws.

BJ has fought in every weight class and fought anyone and everyone who poses a challenge...PBF won't even fight the only person who can compete with him.

that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard Arsonist.