Penn total strikes landed - 150
Sanchez total strikes landed - 8
Penn strikes landed to the head - 137
Sanchez strikes landed to the head - 7
What a complete raping that turned out to be. I wondered about the stats, but never expected it to be that lopsided.
Damn! That is a domination...
Strikes landed per round was ridiculous to see broken down. Diego got outpunched 41 to 1 in the 3rd.
Wow, and to finish off with a shin to the head and an Eastman cut.
Diego only landed 2 punches in the 1, 2 and 4th rounds and only landed one punch the other 2 rounds.
That's pretty much as bad as it gets
And Diego attempted 27 takedowns and landed ZERO.
That has to be just demoralizing to your ego to go 0 for 27 in takedowns and only land 8 strikes in a 5 rounder.
Good GoD, has ther ever been a bigger beating>? Total, total domination
27 td attempts, o succesful
Poindexter -
BJ took more damage celebrating than he did the entire fight.
DirtyFrank - BJ took more damage celebrating than he did the entire
I'm curious to see if Diego has a broken nose or orbital. The huge lip and forehead cuts were nasty but Diego's eye looked bad.
From looking at that GIF, Penn landed 10 punches to his face...2 more than Diego did the entire 5 rounds.
Saltyballs -
Penn total strikes landed - 150
Sanchez total strikes landed - 8
Penn strikes landed to the head - 137
Sanchez strikes landed to the head - 7
What a complete raping that turned out to be. I wondered about the stats, but never expected it to be that lopsided.
LOL! Wow, I knew it would be bad, but not that bad. Complete raping is right.
Round 1 = YES!
Round 2 = MAYBE!
Round 3 = Noooooo!
Round 4 = HELP MEEEEEEEE!!!!
Round 5 = death rattle
KidJustice - Damn! That is a domination...
I seriously fear for Maynard if he gets the next shot at Penn.
Maynard is in for a beating...
Lol, man Penn's celebration was epic.
DirtyFrank -Poindexter -
BJ took more damage celebrating than he did the entire fight.
As soon as Penn started pacing back and forth and talking to Diego before the 5th round, I knew Diego was in for a shit storm.