penn vs pulver

penn takes it easily by submission

Penn by left hook

the way shit has been going that could happen

na penn has every advantage on pulver

Penn could lose to anyone, imo.

Penn is on such a winning streak that there is no way Pulver could beat him. Wait, I guess he's lost two in a row, but I guess that he did have a 1 fight winning streak before that. Yeah, I guess he's just about invincible.


pulver by sideways hat

Bj by sub, but lilwicker is correct anything can happen...

OK Jens' hands were not nearly as good as they are now when they fought before so he can get a KO becuase he was hitting BJ with everything in their first match.Penn's best chance is a submission becuase he isn't the striker Jens is

Poor Jens he's in trouble :(

Penn but I want Pulver to win badly

How anyone can say anything for sure will happen at this point just amazes me.

If BJ takes Jens down i think it will be a bad night for Jens but if BJ tries to stand with Jens,well it will be alot more of an interesting fight.

Rooting for Jens 110% though.

A better question is can Penn defeat Col. Sanders in the KFC arena in order to get down to 155.

"pulver by sideways hat"


Pulver by cardio

I hope Penn gets his cocky tail handed to him.

Penn is overrated.

Pulver will win again. It's about Styles. Styles make Fights. Pulver has Penn's Number.

This year is crazy so anything can happen but I'll say Pen by destruction

People think Pulver is nothing. I hope he gets in there and keeps the underdog love commin.